l60 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. At the President's invitation, Mr. Gould described some of the few agarics which had been collected that afternoon. Mr. Ross recorded that the rare hepatic, Ptilidium pulcherrimum, had been noticed that day in a fourth station in the Forest. The proceedings closed with a vote of thanks to the several conductors, proposed by the President. The subsequent walk, in full moonlight, through the fairy-like woodlands to Loughton, was by no means the least enjoyable episode of an unex- pectedly enjoyable day. ORDINARY MEETING (752ND MEETING). 30TH November, 1935. This meeting was held in the. Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above date, with the President in the chair. 49 members and visitors were present. The following persons were elected to membership of the Club :— Miss Isabel Westell, of 67, The Drive, Loughton. Miss M. M. Wingell, of 10, Stonard's Hill, Loughton. Mr. F. G. Gould, of "Woodrising," Trapp's Hill, Loughton. Discussion of a Proposed New Rule. Mr. Keeves proposed pro forma, and Mr. Salmon seconded, the adoption of a new Rule, of which notice had been given at the meeting on 26th October, viz. :— "That a new class of member, to be known as 'Junior Members,' "under 22 years of age, be elected at an annual subscription of 7/6, "such subscription not to entitle 'Junior Members' to receipt of the "Essex Naturalist nor to hold office in the Club : but such 'Junior' "membership shall expire on the individual attaining the age of "22 years." The Hon. Secretary having explained the purpose of the proposal, Mr. Keeves formally moved that the new Rule be adopted, and spoke to the motion : Mr. Syms, after criticising one point, seconded. Mr. Gourley, whilst supporting the motion, suggested that a minimum limit of age should be fixed for the "Junior Members." Mr. Price agreed, suggesting 14 years as such limit. Other speakers having debated the point, Mr. Gourley moved as an amendment the insertion of the words "over sixteen and" before "under twenty-two "years of age." Mr. Price seconded. Mr. Warren and Miss Lister expressed their dissent from the amend- ment. On being put to the meeting, the amendment was lost, only five mem- bers voting in favour. The original motion was then put and carried nem. diss. The President announced the recent appointment by the Council of Mr. C. Hall Crouch as Honorary Librarian in the room of the late Mr. Barns. Miss Lister exhibited the sloughed skin of a West African Python, about 8 feet long, also a stuffed Monitor Lizard from the Nile, and pointed out in the lizard the position of the pineal eye. Mr. Dennis exhibited, and presented to the Club's collection, ten