THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 165 in which sailing boats predominate. Adjoining this room is the Long Gallery. Although occasionally used as a ballroom it was more frequently used as a gallery where the inmates of the house could exercise themselves in walking in inclement weather ; such a gallery is found in almost all of the larger Tudor houses such as Knole, Penshurst and Montacute. One of the two fireplaces in the long gallery has a well-carved stone overmantel. The timber construction of the roofs in the attic is interesting although much restored. As with Moyns and other houses of the same date the main front of Eastbury faces north, for it was thought that "the southwynde "doth corrupt and doth make evyll vapours," so the cold north aspect was preferred to the sunny south. A tour was then made of the entire premises, in the charge of a Museum attendant. On leaving this interesting building the visitors returned to the centre of Barking town by bus, tea being taken in Williamson's Restaurant, opposite the Town Hall, after which the party dispersed. ORDINARY MEETING (756TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 29TH FEBRUARY, 1936. This Meeting was held at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., in the chair. 36 members and visitors were present. Before beginning the business of the meeting, the President asked the company to stand, when the Hon. Secretary read replies received from Royal Personages in acknowledgement of the Addresses of Condolence sent by the Club. These replies were as under :— From His Majesty the King (telegram). "Hon. Secretary Essex Field Club, Romford Road, Stratford. "The King is touched by your kind message and will be glad if "you will express his sincere thanks to all who joined in it. "Private Secretary." From Her Majesty Queen Mary. "The Private Secretary to Queen Mary is commanded to thank "the Members of the Essex Field Club for their letter of sympathy "with Her Majesty in her great sorrow." From His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, Patron of the Club. "Dear Sir, "Will you please thank the President, Council and Members "of the Essex Field Club for their very kind message of sympathy "to me on the death of our late Sovereign. I am very much "touched by their kind thought of me. "Believe me, "Yours very sincerely, (signed) "Arthur. "To Percy Thompson, Esq. "Hon. Secretary." The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on January 25th were confirmed.