166 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. The President welcomed, in the name of the Club, the Chairman of the West Ham Education Committee (Mrs. E. Gregory), who was present by invitation. The following gentlemen were elected Members of the Club:— Mr. Alexander W. Jardine, 28, Alloa Road, Goodmayes. Mr. C. J. Mercer, O.B.E., M.I.E.E., 23, Stanhope Gardens, Ilford. Mr. John Ramsbottom, O.B.E., F.L.S., Director of the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). In anticipation of the approaching Annual Meeting, the Hon. Secretary announced that the Council nominated Mr. John Ramsbottom, O.B.E., F.L.S., etc., as President for 1936-37, and all other existing Officers of the Club for re-election to their several offices. Mr. Glegg spoke appreciatively of his proposed successor in the Presidential chair and referred to Mr. Ramsbottom's long association with the Club in connection with the annual Fungus Forays. The Hon. Secretary announced that Messrs. Keeves, Mothersole and Owen were due to retire, in rotation, from the Council at the Annual Meeting, and invited nominations for the vacancies resulting. Mr. Scourfield proposed Mr. Mothersole for election to the Council; Miss Prince seconded. Mr. Salmon proposed Mr. Keeves for election, Mr. Price seconding. Miss Lister proposed Mr. Owen for election; Mr. Daun seconded. Further nominations were invited, but none made. Miss Lister exhibited, and presented to the Club's collection, a pencil drawing of the garden-front of Upton House, executed by Mrs. Rickman Godlee about the year 1836. Miss Lister also exhibited an Alligator's Egg, and a newly-hatched Crocodile from Algeria which still retained the "egg-tooth" by means of which the young reptile breaks open the egg- shell at the moment of hatching; she also showed three duckling chicks which exhibited the like "egg-tooth." Mr. Scourfield read a paper on "The Occurrence of a minute Fungus "on a free-swimming Alga (a Chytrid on Chlorogonium) in an Epping "Forest pond"; he showed a coloured lantern-drawing of the alga with its parasite. In the ensuing discussion, Miss Rich and Miss Pocock (visi- tors), Dr. Jane and Mr. Thorrington joined. The Curator showed and described a set of 75 lantern-slides which had been prepared to serve as an outline of the past history of West Ham. Mrs. Gregory (visitor) expressed her appreciation of the talk, which she considered of educational importance. She and others gave some personal reminiscences of earlier days in West Ham. Thanks were accorded to the exhibitor and donor, and to Messrs. Scourfield and Thompson for their communications; the proceedings then terminated. THE ANNUAL MEETING (757TH MEETING) AND 758TH ORDINARY MEETING. SATURDAY, 28TH MARCH, 1936. These meetings were held as usual in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above