THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 167 afternoon, with the President, Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., in the chair. 46 members were present. The Ordinary Meeting was held first. The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 29th February were read and confirmed. Miss E. Smithson, Ph.D., of The Training College, Saffron Walden, was elected a member. Mrs. Hatley exhibited a number of interesting coloured lantern photo- graphs, ordinary photographs and drawings of old houses, etc., in the Newport district of the County. The Curator showed 43 photographs of old-time Ilford which had recently been acquired for the Pictorial Survey collection. He also showed the nine volumes of transcripts of the West Ham parish registers referred to in the Council's Report to be presented that afternoon. Mr. Thompson also exhibited, on behalf of Mr. Covernton, photographs of various Romano-British refitted pottery-fragments, etc., and antlers of Red Deer, excavated from a new village-site at Gatwards Farm, Finching- field, in the autumn of 1935 by Mr. Covernton. The business of the Annual Meeting followed. The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were duly confirmed. The Hon. Secretary read the Council's Report for 1935, which was well received by the meeting. Miss G. Lister expressed her keen appre- ciation of Mr. Glegg's work for the Club during his three years in the Presidential chair. The Hon. Treasurer presented his detailed statement on the finances of the Club for 1935 and laid the accounts on the table for inspection. He moved formally that the accounts be received and adopted. Mr. Price seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously. The President announced that Mr. John Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Sec. L.S., etc., having been nominated at the meeting on 29th February and no counter-nomination having been made, was duly elected President of the Club for 1936-37. The announcement was warmly acclaimed by the meeting ; in reply, the new President thanked the members for the honour conferred upon him and referred to his long association with the Club in connection with the annual Fungus Forays. He hoped he should follow worthily in the steps of his predecessors in the chair. Messrs. Mothersole, Keeves and Owen having been nominated for re-election to the Council on the 29th February and no further nomina- tions having been received, were declared to be duly re-elected. The existing Officers of the Club having been nominated at the meeting on 29th February and no further nominations having been received, were declared to be duly re-elected to their several offices, viz. ;— Hon. Treasurer : Mr. Laurence S. Harley, B.Sc. Hon. Librarian : Mr. Charles Hall Crouch, F.S.G. Hon. Secretary : Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Excursions Secretary : Mr. John Salmon, B.A. Hon. Editor : Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Curator at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge : Mr. Joseph Ross. Hon. Auditor : Mr. C. Hall Crouch.