174 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. "along the Canadian Pacific Railway" ; from the localities men- tioned it had then been found as far west as the Rocky Mountains. I have myself found it growing on Toronto Island in 1897, and again on waste ground in Epping Forest, near Leytonstone, in 1902. In Further Illustrations of Bentham and Hooker's British Flora (1930), p. 44, it is described as "a recently introduced "plant which is now very frequent in waste places." Eastward its range extends to West Asia ; so the plant has tumbled to some purpose ! Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Yellow Rocket. A. One winter rosette. Capsella Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medikus. Shepherd's Purse. A, B. Abundant. F. Coronopus procumbens Gilib. Swine's Cress. A, B. Very abundant, carpeting the ground in places with its flat mat-like growth. Reseda lutea L. Wild Mignonette. A. Many winter rosettes. F. Lychnis alba Miller. White Campion. B. A few plants. F. Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Chickweed. A, B. Very abun- dant. F. Medicago sativa L. Lucerne. A. Fairly abundant. F. M. lupulina L. Nonsuch. B. Two plants. F. Melilotus arvensis Wallr. Field Melilot. A, B. Very abundant especially along the banks of the new Flood Channel, growing 5 feet high. M. alba Desrouss. White Melilot. A. About a score of small plants. F. M. indicus (L.) All. (M. parviflorus Desfont.). Small Melilot. A. A score of small plants on dry mud. F. Trifolium pratense L. Red Clover. A, B. Abundant. F. T. hybridum L. Alsike Clover. A. Abundant. F. A variety with cream-coloured instead of the usual pale rosy flowers was found. T. repens L. White Clover. A, B. Very abundant. Potentilla reptans L. Creeping Cinquefoil. B. Largo patches. Epilobium angustifolium L. Rose Bay. B. A dozen plants. E. hirsutum L. Great Willow-Herb. A, B. A few stunted plants 8 inches high.