THE PRESENT FLORA OF WEST HAM WASTES. 179 Leontodon autumnalis L. Autumnal Hawksbit. A. A few plants. F. Taraxacum vulgare Lam. Dandelion. B. A few plants. F. Lactuca sativa L. Garden Lettuce. B. A dozen plants or more, attaining four feet in height ; an escape from cultivation. This is extremely variable both in the bristly or smooth character of the leaves, and in the colour, shape and roughness of the achenes. As those who grow lettuces know, Winter Lettuces, whether with the "Cos" or "Cabbage" type of leaf, have brown achenes, rough at the apex : while Summer Lettuces, also with either type of leaf, have more slender pale grey achenes, nearly smooth at the apex. It has been suggested that L. sativa is the cultivated form of L. serriola L (syn. L. Scariola L.) the wild prickly lettuce, and in Bentham and Hooker's British Flora it is inferred that L. sativa, L. serriola and L. virosa may be varieties of a single species. Lettuce has been cultivated in Europe from remote antiquity. Sonchus asper Hill. Rough Sowthistle. A, B. Abundant. F. 5. oleraceus L. Common Sowthistle. A, B. Abundant. F. Tragopogon pratensis L. Goat's-beard. B. A single plant. F. Symphytum officinale L. Comfrey. A, B. A few plants forming winter rosettes. Calystegia sepium Brown. Large Bindweed. A, B. Not unfrequent. Convolvulus arvensis L. Corn Bindweed. A, B. Frequent. Solanum Dulcamara L. Bitter-sweet. A. Frequent. S. nigrum L. Black Nightshade. A, B. A few plants. S. lycopersicum L. Tomato. A, B. A few plants, garden escapes of this Tropical American plant. Lycopus europaeus L. Gipsywort. A, B. Growing between bricks in the walls, and along the streams, in some cases attaining four feet in height. The upper leaves of this plant are coarsely toothed, and the lower ones are often pinnatifid; the leaves of the winter-buds, which are usually more or less buried in water or mud, are stiffly pectinate with broad midribs, while the leaves of the creeping stems are thick, strapshaped and entire. I learn from my friend Dr. Agnes Arber that pectinate leaves are some- times formed on plants growing on dry ground. Submerged