191 MYCETOZOA FOUND DURING THE FUNGUS FORAY OF OCTOBER 10th AND THE CRYPTOGAMIC FORAY OF NOVEMBER 14th, 1936. By G. LISTER, F.L.S. A LARGE party assembled at Loughton station on October 10th to walk through the forest to High Beach. It was a fine still day after a week of light east wind. Mr. J. Ross, who is well acquainted with the district, led the small body who were especially interested in Mycetozoa to the most favourable logs, stumps and leaf-heaps. Twenty-five species were found, the same number as were obtained on the 1935 Fungus Foray. This may be regarded as about the average harvest that we get; the greatest number was 36 species in October, 1922. The total number recorded for the Forest is 101 species. The Cryptogamic Foray of November 14 started on a wet morning after a night of heavy rain which had probably washed away the more fragile sporangia and all those in an immature stage. Nine species only were obtained, and are marked in the fol- lowing list by the letter N for November. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Mull.) Macbr. Badhamia utricularis (Bull.) Berk. Physarum natans Pers. N. and var. robustum Lister. P. psittacinum Ditm. Abundant on a much decayed oak log, in a weathered state ; this is a summer species and has only once before been recorded in Essex. Fuligo septica (L.) Gmel. Two young aethalia found. F. cinerea (Schwein). Morg. var. ecorticata Lister. Found as a white immature aethalium which matured indoors; the cortex is very slightly developed and the limeknots contain little calcareous matter. This is the third record of this well-marked variety for Essex. Craterium minutum (Leers) Fries. On holly leaves. Didymium squamulosum Fries. On a holly leaf. D. nigripes Fries. On a holly leaf. Stemonitis fusca Roth, and var. rufescens Lister. Comatricha nigra (Pers.) Schroeter. On sticks, frequent. N. C. typhoides (Bull.) Rost. Several colonies on wood. Cribraria argillacea Pers. On beech, found in "The Warren" spinney by J. Ross.