194 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. 13th/l4th March, Kentish Knock: Large numbers with Sky- larks and a few Chaffinches all night. Wind S.W.2 ; thick mist. 14th/15th March, Kentish Knock : A few with other species all night. Wind S.W.3 ; cloudy, clear. 15th/l6th March, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with a few Skylarks, 8-11 p.m. Wind N.W.4 to 5 ; overcast, rain. 19th/20th March, Kentish Knock: A few with Song-Thrushes, 9-9.30 p.m. Wind S.W.4 ; overcast. 20th/21st March, Kentish Knock : A few with Redwings at 11 p.m. Wind S.S.W.5 to 6; overcast, rain. 21st/22nd March, Kentish Knock : A few at 9 p.m. Wind S.S.W.6; overcast. 22nd/23rd March, Kentish Knock : A few with Blackbirds, 8.30-10.30 p.m. Wind W.N.W.3 to N.W.3 ; cloudy to overcast. 26th/27th March, Kentish Knock : A few at 9 and 11 p.m. Wind SAV. by S.3 to S.S.W.3 ; cloudy. 27th March, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with other species to N.W., 6.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wind W.2 ; cloudy. 27th/28th March, Kentish Knock : Many, 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. Wind W. by S.3 to W.4 ; overcast, misty to rain. 3rd April, Kentish Knock : Many with other species to N.W., 12.30-4 p.m. Wind calm to S.3. 6th/7th October, Kentish Knock : A few at 10.30 p.m. Wind S.W.2 ; cloudy. 19th/20th October, Kentish Knock : Several with Song- Thrushes and Skylarks. Wind W.5 ; thick mist. 20th October, Kentish Knock : 50 to W. at 2.30 p.m. Wind S.W. by W.5 ; cloudy, clear. 21st October, Kentish Knock : Several large flocks, with Skylarks to W., 9-12 a.m. Wind W.S.W.3 ; cloudy, clear. 22nd October, Kentish Knock : Many large flocks with Sky- larks to S.W. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wind S.E.4 ; overcast, clear. 23rd October, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with Thrushes and Skylarks to W.S.W. during the day. Wind W.N.W.2 to 3 ; cloudy, clear. 24th October, Kentish Knock : Several large flocks with Sparrows and Skylarks to W. during the day. Wind W.S.W.1 to 3 ; cloudy, clear to 11 a.m., fog from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 25th October, Kentish Knock : Many large flocks with Crows and Skylarks to W. during the day. Wind W.N.W.i to 3 ; thick mist.