196 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. 30th March, Kentish Knock : A few to N.W. at 1 p.m. Wind S.4; blue sky. 30th/31st March, Longsand : A few with Skylarks, 2-3 a.m. ;. calm, fog. 31st March, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with Chaffinches at 3.20 p.m. to S.W. Wind N.N.W.1 to N.N.E.3; overcast, misty rain, to rain. 31st March/1st April, Kentish Knock: Many with a few Chaffinches, 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Wind N.N.E.2 to N.N.W.2 to S.1 to W.3; overcast, rain to drizzle, clear. 1st/2nd April, Kentish Knock : A few at 2 a.m. Wind W.4; overcast. 3rd/4th April, Kentish Knock : A few at 9 p.m. Wind N.E. by E.5 ; overcast, misty rain. 8th/9th April, Kentish Knock : A few at 11 p.m. and 2.30 a.m. Wind N.N.E.4 to N.4; overcast, passing drizzle. Ringing Recoveries. ; Ring. Where Ringed. Date. Where Recovered. Date. 16078 Bradfield, Berks. 19/1/12 Loughton 2/2/12 7000 nestling Walthamstow 20/5/12 Woodford 22/10/12 49910 nestling Chelmsford 22/5/14 Where ringed 24/2/15 Z1421 young Eton, Bucks. 24/8/23 Braintree 8/11/26 (H)501173 Schweiburg, Oldenburg 31/5/25 Halstead -/l2/25 X8223 young Ingatestone 25/5/26 Where ringed 1929 U7639 young Ongar 8/5/28 Stanford-le-Hope 16/3/29 T1610 young Ongar 16/6/28 Llanelly, 15/2/29 Carmarthen (L)67027 South Holland 19/2/29 Chelmsford 10/2/34 T5225 adult Polegate, Sussex 17/12/28 Nazeing 16/1/31 W4411 adult Woodford Green 30/12/28 Near Woodford 28/1/30 T2587 adult Woodford Green 27/2/29 Where ringed 14/7/29 R6283 adult Woodford Green 19/10/30 Where ringed 22/5/31 R62S8 adult Woodford Green 16/11/30 Where ringed -/11/31 R6291 adult Woodford Green 16/11/30 Where ringed 26/5/31 E2072 young Laindon 16/8/31 Dagenham 6/3/32 AN3310 adult Woodford Green 21/10/31 Near where ringed 26/5/32 AN3306 adult Woodford Green 21/10/31 Where ringed 10/8/33 (L)100521 South Holland 13/12/31 Rainham 25/2/34 AN3327 adult Buckhurst Hill 20/12/31 Where ringed 22/5/34 (R)F53843 Brandenburg, Germany 22/5/32 Colchester -/11/32 (H)622138A Oldenburg, Germany 1/6/32 Frinton-on-Sea 27/12/33 (H)735671 Heligoland 29/10/32 Clacton-on-Sea 18/12/33 TF9 adult Laindon 4/12/32 Laindon 22/5/33 SF172 adult Cheltenham, Glos. 18/1/33 Stansted, Essex 3/9/33