ESSEX BIRD-MIGRATION. 199 two at sunrise to S.W.; 15th, two, male and female, caught 17th, W.S.W., three or four hundred very high to S.W. At Swin Middle, 18th September, sunrise to 10 a.m., Chaffinches with Linnets to W. The main immigration of the Chaffinch was from the middle of September to the end of October, the bulk of the immigrants crossing south of Yarmouth. The "great rush" on or about 13th October. 1882. Corton L.V., from 28th September, several flocks during forenoon, to Galloper, 14th October. 9 p.m. to 4 a.m., many with Larks. Seven stations report Chaffinches, all in October, between the Tees and South Sand Head L.V., Goodwins. 1883. Between 21st September, at Redcar, to 29th and 30th November, at Longstone L.H., immense flights are recorded at the majority of stations along the east coast ; great rushes occurred on 21st September, 6th/14th October and 1st and 2nd November ; line of flight E. to W. Galloper, wings taken on 10th and 27th October, sent to J. H. Gurney. 1884. The migration is very extensive and covers the whole of the East Coast, the bulk, crossing south of the Humber. Through September and October immense numbers are recorded as crossing, the first flocks young of both sexes and old females ; old cocks later. Direction of flight W. to W.S.W. 1886. Much the largest immigration of this species hitherto recorded ; were observed at 21 stations covering the whole of the East Coast between the Fam and Channel Islands. The main body came in between the 3rd and 6th October at eleven stations in large numbers, and there was a second large arrival from 15th to 23rd October at nine stations. Last entry Kentish Knock seven or eight, at 9.30 a.m. to S.W. 1903. Kentish Knock : First seen on 29th September, when an adult male came on board at 5 p.m. Not observed again until 8th October, when the great east to west flights set in, in all of which this bird participated largely, passing in flocks in the fore- and afternoon. On the morning of 15th October it was passing in flocks to the S.S.W. as a British emigrant and to the west as an immigrant. Many were present during the great night movement of 17th/18th October. 1905. 18th March, Galloper, a female. 10th April, Kentish Knock, a female. 1906. From 5th to 19th October and 29th October to 3rd