200 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. November, noted frequently as an immigrant on the East Coast (Lincoln, Norfolk and Essex). 1907. 9th October, Galloper, with other species passing to west. 1908. 1st October, Galloper : Large numbers with Starlings all day to W.S.W. Wind S.E. ; blue sky, hazy. 2nd October, Galloper : Numbers all day with other species to W.S.W. Wind E.1 ; hazy. 2nd October, Kentish Knock : Flock to S.S.W. Wind S.E. ; misty. 2nd/3rd October, Kentish Knock : A few with Starlings. Wind S.E. ; misty. 6th October, Galloper : Numbers with other species to W.S.W. Wind E.S.E.3 ; blue sky. 7th October, Galloper : Numbers to W.S.W. Wind S.S.W. ; blue sky. 13th October, Galloper : Numbers all day to W.S.W., with other species. Wind S.E. 2 to S.S.W.3 ; hazy. 13th October, Kentish Knock : A large flock to N.W. at 2 p.m., with other species. Wind S.E.1; fog. 13th/14th October, Galloper : A few at 7 a.m. Wind S. ; dark and hazy. 27th October, Kentish Knock : Flock to W. at 11 a.m. Wind S.E.5; clear. 1909. 31st March, Kentish Knock , 3 p.m. : A few to N.W. Wind S.E.2 ; misty. 10th April, Kentish Knock : A few to N.W. Wind N.E.1 ; misty. 2nd October, Kentish Knock : A few to W.N.W. at 3 p.m. Wind W.N.W.1 to S.2; misty. 12th October, Kentish Knock : Many, with a few Bramblings and Meadow Pipits at 9 a.m. Wind S.S.W.2 ; clear to cloudy with rain. 19th/20th October, Kentish Knock : Several with Skylarks midnight to 3 a.m. Wind S.W.4; blue sky with clouds, clear. 21st October, Longsand : Many with some Crows to N. Wind S.W. ; clouds passing. 26th October, Kentish Knock : Several small flocks to W.N.W. up to 3 p.m. Wind S.4 ; clear. 1st November, Kentish Knock : Several on deck. Wind E.1; overcast, but clear.