204 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. numbers with Starlings at 3.20 p.m. to S.W. Wind N.N.W.1 to N.N.E.3; overcast, misty rain to rain. 31st March/1st April, Kentish Knock : A few with many Starlings, 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. Wind N.N.E.2 to N.N.W.2 to S.1 to W.3 ; overcast, rain to drizzle, clear. 1st April, Kentish Knock : Some at 11 a.m. to N.W. Wind S.S.W.5 to 3; cloudy. 2nd April, Longsand : A few at 9 a.m. Wind S.W.3; clear. Ringing Recoveries. Ring. Where Ringed. Date. Where Recovered. Date. H6223 adult Woodford Green 2/2/30 Where ringed 1/8/32 Brambling. Fringilla montifringilla L. Movements at light-stations. 1886. 27th October, Kentish Knock, one. 1887. 9th October, Kentish Knock, wings of six obtained. 1906. During the first fortnight in October and the first week in November it was frequently noted as an immigrant at the Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex lights, the migration reaching its height on 11th November. 1907. 9th October, Galloper : Many passing to W. 1908. 5th October, Galloper : One with Meadow-Pipits to W.S.W. Wind N.E.4; cloudy. 10th October, Kentish Knock : Small flocks with other species to N.W. Wind W.3; clear. 12th October, Kentish Knock : Small flocks with Skylarks to N.W. Wind S.S.E.2 ; clear. 1909. 12th October, Kentish Knock : A few with Chaffinches and Meadow-Pipits at 9 a.m. Wind S.S.W.2; clear to cloudy with rain. 1910. 23rd October, Longsand : One killed at 10 a.m. Wind E.5; hazy. 1911. 13th October, Kentish Knock : A few with other species to S.W., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wind S.1 to 2; cloudy to misty rain. 1912. 4th April, Kentish Knock : A few to N.N.W. at 3.30 p.m. Wind W.S.W.4; blue sky with clouds, misty. 1913. 31st March, Kentish Knock : A few at 11 a.m. to S.W. Wind N.N.W.1 to N.N.E.3; overcast, misty rain to rain. House Sparrow, Passer domesticus domesticus (L.).