ESSEX BIRD-MIGRATION. 205 Tree-Sparrow. Passer montanus montanus (L.). Movements at light-stations. 1879. Tree-Sparrow. At the Kentish Knock 22nd October to 8th November, going from S.E. to N.W. ; on 8th November two came on board. At the Nore 27th October and 15th November ; on latter day mixed with Larks. (It is not im- probable that in some of the returns the entries may refer to the Common Sparrow. J.C) 1880. House-Sparrow. At Kentish Knock, 10th October, one Common Sparrow, and on 12th two, till squall had passed, then to S.W. Tree-Sparrow at Kentish Knock, 9th October, seven on board till squall had passed. At Tongue 28th Sep- tember, 11 a.m., o.m., about one hundred Sparrows on masthead ; 24th October, twenty to W. at noon. 1883. Tree-Sparrow. Galloper, wing taken on 10th October sent to J. H. Gurney. 1884. House-Sparrow. In the autumn great numbers are recorded at stations between the Tees L.V. and Hanois L.H., Guernsey, between 9th September and 25th November, the bulk crossing south of the Humber; rush, 14th and 15th October and on to the 19th. Kentish Knock, 15th October, all day, "hun- dreds on board, many dropping into the sea." Tree-Sparrow : The migration covered the whole of the East Coast, the bulk crossing south of the Humber. First recorded at Whitby L.H. 9th September, immense flocks of both Tree and Common Sparrows, and from this date up to 25th November at the majority of the East Coast stations, ten of them light-vessels. 1885. House-Sparrow. Kentish Knock 27th September, forty to W., and on 28th. Tree-Sparrow : Cockle and Kentish Knock, 4th and 30th October, at latter in large numbers. Very few, as a rule, came in north of the Humber. 1886. House Sparrow : A second large immigration was observed between the 16th and 23rd October, at Spurn, Outer Dowsing, Kentish Knock, the Goodwin L.V.'s and Varne L.V. 1903. Tree-Sparrow : Kentish Knock, from 23rd September to 8th October, single birds or pairs came on board from east at intervals. On the last-named date the bird passed in considerable numbers going due west and again on the 11th and 18th. On the 11th a small party was observed flying to the north-west. Was not seen at night. This species came on board more frequently