206 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. than any other, and displayed many of the traits characteristic of its commoner cousin, being very noisy and having the knack of making itself at home even at sea. When aboard during high winds and heavy rains the birds used to hustle each other in the scramble for the most sheltered places in the rigging and on the lee side of the lantern, and showed much pugnacity. 1905. 20th March, Galloper : Tree-Sparrows, 15th April. Kentish Knock : Tree-Sparrows. 1907. 9th and 10th October, Galloper : Large flocks of Tree-Sparrows going from E. to W., with other species. 10th October, Galloper : Flock of Sparrows to W. 1908 . 8th October, Kentish Knock : A flock of Tree- Sparrows to W. Wind S.S.W.2 ; fog. 1909. 29th March, Kentish Knock : 1 p.m. a few Sparrows to N.W. Wind S.2 ; misty. 28th September, Kentish Knock : Many Sparrows to N.W. at 11 a.m. Wind S.E.1; clear, raining. 30th September, Kentish Knock : A few Sparrows at 10.30 a.m. Wind W.1 ; clear. 10th October, Kentish Knock : Many Sparrows with Starlings to N.W., 10 to 11.30 a.m. Wind S.W.5 ; clear. 12th October, Kentish Knock : Many sparrows at 2.30 p.m. to N.W. Wind S.S.W.2 ; clear to cloudy with rain. 19th October, Kentish Knock : About twenty Sparrows on board. Wind W.N.W.3; clear. 23rd October, Kentish Knock : About twenty on board all day. Wind S.S.W.5 ; clear. 26th October, Kentish Knock : About thirty Sparrows to N.W. at 11 a.m. Wind S.4; clear. 4th November, Kentish Knock : Many small flocks of Sparrows with Crows to N.W. all day. Wind N.N.E.2; over- cast, but clear. 5th November, Kentish Knock : Six small flocks of Sparrows and Chaffinches to W.N.W., 10 a.m. to noon. Wind S.1; blue sky and clear. 1910. 6th March, Kentish Knock : Five Sparrows about the ship, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wind S. ; thick mist till noon, then clear. 8th March, Kentish Knock : Two Sparrows to N.W. at noon. Wind S. to S.S.W.; clear.