230 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. OBITUARY. Henry Mothersole, 1862-1936.—It is with the deepest regret that we have to record the death, on 19th December last, of Mr. Henry Mothersole, of Warren House, Chelmsford. He had been a member of our Club since 1891 and a very frequent attendant at our meetings. For more than twenty years he was a member of Council and had, only a month before his death, been appointed a Vice-President of the Club. Members who took part in our visit to Chelmsford on 27th April, 1929, will retain a vivid memory of the many and varied treasures exhibited to us by Mr. and Mrs. Mothersole in their home and no less of the very friendly welcome given by them to our party. With the decease of Henry Mothersole our Club has lost a most loyal friend and a striking, though unassuming, personality. Percy Thompson. New Geological Maps.—The Geological Survey has just issued a fine series of colour printed six-inch geological maps of London and district, comprising 24 sheets. Of these eight refer to Essex, and cover the ground from Woodford to the Thames and from the river Lea to Goodmayes. A very large amount of practical information is given, based on records of well-borings and other past excavations : the maps show not only the. superficial deposits but also the approximate boundaries of the underlying "country rock." The thicknesses of the various strata are given in feet and their depth below O.D., and the positions of former but now "buried" streams are indicated. The Essex maps have been placed in the Library of the Stratford Museum, where they may be consulted by those interested.