DRY ROT IN SHIPS. 255 ''he has given me and his assiduity in pointing out what most nearly "related to the subject. Among other things the circumstance of the ''hollows containing rubbish being covered up on board the San "Domingo, is one, for the knowledge of which I am particularly indebted "to him. "I am "Honourable Gentlemen "Your very obedt. Servant "JAS. SOWERBY. "4th August, 1812." The report was accompanied by a set of plates labelled "Fungi found in the Dock-yards and Ships of Great Britain from Dept- ford to Plymouth. 1812." 181 Agaricus quercinus [Daedalea], 289 Boletus hybridus [Poria sp.], 326 Boletus medulla-panis [Poria], 113 Boletus lachry- mans [Merulius], 214 Auricularia pulverulenta [Merulius lachry- mans], 358 Xylostroma giganteum [sterile Polypore], 288 Boletus suberosus [Fomes franinus], 182 Agaricus betulinus [Lenzites], 193 Boletus angustatus [Daedalea confragosa var. angusta], 382 Agaricus tubaeformis [Lentinus lepidens], 68 Agaricus tigrinus [Lentinus], 325 Boletus unicolor [Daedalea], 349 Auricularia papyrina [Merulius tremellosus], 229 Boletus versicolor [Poly- porus], 27 Auricularia reflexa [Stereum hirsutum], 388 1. Auricu- laria persistens [Stereum purpureum], 388.2 Auricularia Levis [Stereum rufrum], 388.3 Auricularia cinerea [Peniophora], 350 Auricularia phosphorea [Corticium caeruleum], 40 Clavaria cornea [Calocera], 378 Mucor trichoides moulds. Sterile mycelia mainly of wood-destroying fungi. 183 Agaricus Alneus [Schizo- phyllum commune], 22 Lycoperdon Carpobolus [Sphaerobolus stellatus]. It is surprising that one or two species are absent from the list, for it is certain that Polyporus sulphureus caused damage, though probably the fruiting stage was not often observed. I have seen powdery conidial stages of Polypores (Ptychogaster) in masses from sailing ships and thought at one time that most of the accounts referred to such fungi. However, Merulius is clearly indicated in many descriptions, as, for example, "About 1798 there was, at Woolwich, a ship in so bad a state that the deck sunk with a man's weight, and the orange and brown coloured fungi were hanging, in the shape of inverted cones, from deck to deck."