DRY ROT IN SHIPS. 261 "boards ; it might also support side portable lathing boards or shelters "constructed on a principle to open or shut as occasion requires. "Thus might the Stacks be kept in a tolerably regular medium "according with the Hygrometer, neither liable to crack from the heat "of the sun or to be wetted by the admission of rain. The platforms, "etc. might be contrived of proportions adapted to the different sorts, "sizes, or intended purposes to which the Timbers are to be put and "arranged in such order that an immediate reference maybe had to the "particular kinds and calculations made of the relative proportions of "each kind, which would give neatness without confusion and admits "of elegance. Of these things, you Gentlemen will be best judges. ''A certain expenditure is often more laudable than extravagant as it "not only commands attention, but care and respect ; and, which is "essential in this particular, a dislike for litter and partiality for "cleanliness. "If a model were to be made, it might be better understood and "amended, and I believe, with the little notion I have of drawing I "could direct it if you require. I have the less hesitation in this "recommendation, as it is the safer way with less probable expence by "much than any other endeavour to preserve wood I am aquainted "with. "No doubt, I presume can now be entertained of the use of wood, "which has from the remotest ages been given and recommended as "suitable to floating bodies; and its admirable durability when well "managed, wether by chance or by proper attention, needs no comment "and even its durability under a variety of casualties is very "astonishing ; its goodness has occasionally thus become a misfortune "by encouraging schemes which have by experience been too often "found fatal. I cannot, with conscious integrity do other than "recommend an early and careful attention to the selecting and "distinguishing the best wood and preserving such more particularly "from imbibing any destructive principle, in order that a choice "may be at hand for any necessary purpose. It will be another "way of beginning even a salutary thing in the more crowded Dock "Yard at Deptford and in that less crowded at Woolwich, and also ''not difficult to accomplish according to the slight view I have of "the subject. "Gentlemen "Your arduous and well tried experience, which is so conspicuously "and so ably exerted, gives me confidence, whereas, under other "auspices I might have been silenced ; in such hands as yours it will, "if useful, be duly remembered, valued and improved; or laid aside if "insufficient with a judgement for which I feel the highest esteem, as an "individual who, partaking of the blessing of being born under a British "Government, must be happy to subscribe himself. "Honourable Gentlemen "Your very faithful and humble Servant "JAS. SOWERBY." "2, Mead Place, "29th Oct. 1813."