282 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. to be the work of a pupil of Sir Christopher Wren. Internally, it has suffered little alteration and most of the rooms still contain their original wood panelling. The beautiful entrance porch, some Flemish tiling in the dairy and some early 19th century samplers in one of the bedrooms were noted with interest. Subsequently the party reassembled in the walled-in garden, where, before leaving, Mr. Salmon, on behalf of those present, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Sturges for their kindness. On leaving the Hall, the party proceeded to the neighbouring church of Saints Helen and Giles, where Mr. Salmon gave a detailed description of this very attractive Norman building. The beautiful work of the priest's doorway and of the chancel arch and the graffito carving of a boat (c. 1400) in the rood loft staircase attracted particular attention. Tea was served at the Broadway Cafe at 4 o'clock, after which about half the party set off to walk along the road to the Thames at Rainham Ferry, just over a mile distant. The mild, sunny weather was favourable, to the study of bird life and Mr. Ward noted 18 species of birds, including Stonechat, Reed Bunting, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Kestrel, Lapwing, Redshank, Blackheaded Gull, Common Gull, Herring Gull and Moorhens From the river wall members had a good view of the Thames and its shipping and industrial life, and then returned to Rainham to catch trains and buses homewards after a most enjoyable afternoon. [Report by Mr. J. Salmon.] THE 772ND ORDINARY MEETING AND THE ANNUAL MEETING (773RD MEETING). SATURDAY, 20TH MARCH, 1937. These meetings were held at 3 o'clock on the above date in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr. John Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Sec.L.S., etc., in the chair. 31 members attended. The Ordinary Meeting was held first. Mr. Scourfield exhibited, under microscopes, living specimens of the rotiferon, Hydatina senta and of Cyclops bicuspidatus var. lubbocki, both from a marsh-ditch at Rainham. The Curator exhibited 38 watercolour views and prints of Essex from the Pictorial Survey collection, selected to illustrate places proposed to be visited by the Club during the summer. He also exhibited eight specimen drawers from a large collection of British birds-eggs, contained in three mahogany cabinets and accompanied by an explanatory list, recently presented to the Stratford Museum by our member, Mr. J. H. Owen. The President suggested that a special vote of thanks was due to the donor for so munificent a gift : accordingly, Miss Lister moved, with Mr. Glegg as seconder, that the Club's appreciative thanks be tendered to Mr. Owen, both proposer and seconder eulogizing his long-continued and detailed observations on the life-histories of various birds. The motion was carried nem con. The business of the Annual Meeting followed. After the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting had been taken as read,