THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 283 the Report of the Council was read by the Hon. Secretary, and, on the motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, unanimously received and adopted. The Hon. Treasurer presented and explained his Statement of the Club's Accounts for the year 1936 and formally moved their adoption ; Dr. Coles seconded. The motion was carried nem con., the President and Mr. Ross (as Auditor) paying tribute to the care with which Mr. Harley prepared the accounts. Mr. John Ramsbottom was re-elected to the Presidential Chair for a second year of office, with the warm approval of the Meeting. Sir Gurney Benham, Miss E. Prince, Mr. Bernard Ward, Dr. R. Coles and Mr. J. Ross were declared by the President to be elected Members of Council. The existing Officers of the Club were declared re-elected to their several offices, as under :— Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Laurence S. Harley, B.Sc. Hon. Librarian: Mr. Charles Hall Crouch, F.S.G. Hon. Secretary: Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Excursions Secretary: Mr. John Salmon, B.A. Hon. Editor: Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S. Hon. Curator at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge : Mr. Joseph Ross. Mr. Crouch and Mr. Price were elected Auditors of the Club's Accounts for 1937. The President delivered his Presidential Address on "Dry Rot in "Ships," which he treated from a historical standpoint. At its con- clusion, Mr. Glegg, on behalf of the Meeting, expressed thanks to the President for a most valuable Address and asked that it might be printed in the Club's journal. By permission of the President, questions were asked and answered on various points. The meeting was closed at 4.45 o'clock. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL PRESENTED TO THE ANNUAL MEETING, 20TH MARCH, 1937. Ladies and Gentlemen, In presenting its annual report for the past year, your Council has to record with deep regret the decease of one of its body, Mr. Henry Mother- sole, which took place in December last. Mr. Mothersole was one of the oldest members of the Club and his death, and those of two other members of long standing, Mr. F. Elliott and Mr. Robert Lodge, are sincerely lamented. The Hon. Treasurer's Accounts, which will be laid before you, show that the Club's finances are in thoroughly healthy condition. The winter meetings at Stratford have been well attended and have been enriched by several important papers and talks by our members. Some delightful and instructive field meetings were arranged during the summer, in various parts of the County, and were much enjoyed by participants. Hospitality was kindly offered by Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ellis at Stock, by Miss Tamplin at Newport and by the Rev. and Mrs. Houlston at Herongate, to each of whom we record our warm thanks.