284 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. During the past year many valuable acquisitions have been made to the Stratford Museum : especial reference may be made to a very valuable donation just received from our member, Mr. J. H. Owen, who has presented his entire collection of British Birds Eggs, contained in three mahogany cabinets and accompanied by an explanatory list of the contents. Mention should also be made of the important collection of Essex prints purchased at public auction for the Museum by the West Ham Corporation. At the present time the Library of this Museum comprises 6,890 bound volumes, an addition of 96 during the year, and the Pictorial Survey collection contains 10,387 mounted prints or photographs, an increase of 626 during the year : of this total, 1,532 items illustrate West Ham. In recognition of his admirable work at the Forest Museum, which has been in his charge for several years past, Mr. J. Ross has been invited to join the Council : it is felt that his presence on this body will enable it better to keep in touch with and appreciate Mr. Ross's work at the little Museum. Two new Parts of the Essex Naturalist have appeared, at regular intervals, during the year under review ; the editor submits that the scien- tific value of the articles published maintains that of former issues. The Club was represented by delegates at the Centenary Celebration of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, held in July, at the Congress of the South-Eastern Union, also in July, at the fourth Quinquennial Anglo- American Conference of Historians, again in July, and at the meeting of the British Association in September. Our thanks are due to the gentle- men who kindly offered themselves as Delegates on these several occasions. Your Council has recently taken steps to make the activities and advantages of the Club more widely known by circulating copies of a specially compiled Booklet to the members of various scientific societies. In conclusion, your Council wishes to stress the importance of in- dividual Members exerting themselves to recruit others to share the amenities; of our Club. Large Salmon at Canvey.—A salmon of 25 lbs. weight has been caught in a catch of whitebait in the Thames at Holehaven (Morning Post, 4th May, 1937). A rare Medusa at Southend.—On 25th June, 1937, near Southend Pier, our member, Mr. F. J. Lambert, captured a specimen of the rare Eucheilota Maculata, which has apparently not been recorded from Essex waters, although known from the coast of Belgium and off Heligoland. Mr. Lambert's specimen has been added to the national collection in the British Museum. Editor.