v. Obituaries : Robert Paulson, 62 ; Stephen J. Barns, 63 ; James Chapman Shenstone, 64 ; Canon Russell, 170 ; Henry Mother- sole, 230. Owen, J. H,: Lectures on "Social Wasps and Bees" and on "Some Common Essex Birds," 279; presents a collection of British Birds' Eggs in three cabinets, 282; Collection described, 273. Rule, new, proposed, 158 : adopted, 160. "Runic" Inscription at High Beach, 229. Salmon at Canvey, 284. Salmon, J., appointed Hon. Excur- sions Secretary, 60. Scandinavian Lesser Black-backed Gull in Essex, 105, Scirpus maritimus from the Medi- terranean exhibited, 56. Scourfield, D. J., Reports of British Association meetings, 102, 225; Occurrence of a minute fungus on a free swimming alga, 120; exhibits by, 53, 55, 278, 280, 281, 282, Scourfield, H, W., elected a member, 53, Seymour, H. J. C., elected a member, 54. Sexton Beetles, observations on, 57. Shenstone, J. C, obituary, 64. Ships, Dry Rot in, 231. Slipper Animalcule exhibited, 55. Smew and Shag from Walthamstow exhibited, 56. Smithson, Miss E., elected a mem- ber, 167. "Social Wasps and Bees," lecture by J. H. Owen, 279. "Some Common Essex Birds," lecture by J. H. Owen, 279. Somersetshire Pole Brasses ex- hibited, 54. South Benfleet, visit to, 221. South Weald, nature-ramble at, 93. Sparrowhawk skinned by Harting, exhibited, 53. Stanford Rivers, visit to, 97. Steeple Bumpstead, visit to, 94, Stock, visit to, 217. Stoker, Dr. F., elected a member, 280; Mrs. M. W., elected a member, 280. Stratford, meetings at, 53, 54, 55, 59, 157, 160, 162, 165, 166, 277, 279, 280, 282. Smys, E. E., exhibit by, 278. Page, H. F., elected a member, 54. Paulson, R., obituary, 62. Phyllotoma aceris exhibited, 278. Pied Rat at Felsted, 106. Pleshey, visit to, 217. Polecat at Great Waltham, 105, Prehistoric implements and pottery from Danbury exhibited, 53 ; from Chelmsford neighbourhood exhibited, 162. Pre-ornithology of Essex, 1. Pseudamesomphalus Thoreyi ex- hibited, 278. Ptarmigan in winter plumage pre- sented, 281. Puccinia bupleuri from Canvey ex- hibited, 158. Quartzite resembling a whetstone exhibited, 150. Rainham, visit to, 281. Ramsbottom, J., elected a member, 166 ; elected President, 167; Dry Rot in Ships, 231. Ranatra linearis exhibited, 158. Razor-bill from Walthamstow ex- hibited, 158. Recent Neolithic Finds from Saffron Walden, lecture, 162. Red-throated Diver from Lough- ton, exhibited, 55. Reports of the Council, 61, 168, 283. Reports of Delegate to British As- sociation Meetings, 102, 225. Right Whale, jaw, exhibited, 161. Ricciocarpus natans exhibited, 53. Romano-British relics from Fin- chingfield : photographs ex- hibited, 167 ; Interment at Chadwell Heath, 169. Ross, J., elected to Council, 283. Royal replies to letters of condo- lence, 165. Tambour Lace from Great Tey exhibited, 54. Tax-Receipt of 1845 exhibited, 55. Tenants of Banana-crates, 208. Tettigoniidae exhibited, 158.