104 A BRACKISH WATER COMMUNITY NEAR SOUTHEND. By N. H. HOWES (Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University College, London). (With One Plate). IN 1933 Mr. F. J. Lambert introduced me to an artificial lagoon which had been made by the damming of a creek (New England Creek) running from the Yokefleet, a tributary of the River Roach, to the Maplin Sands. Preliminary investiga- tion showed that the chlorinity of the water isolated in this lagoon was already considerably less than that of sea-water, and it seemed well worth while to investigate the chemical and physical nature of the environment and to correlate results so obtained with the fauna and flora. The particular interest lay in the fact that, unlike most brackish water communities, which are generally estuarine and hence directly open to invasion by fresh-water and marine organisms, this was a closed system and, apart from insects, would contain only animals which could breed in the new environment. The lagoon is situated to the north-east of Southend between Great Wakering and Foulness Island. It lies between Haven- gore, which is still open, and Shelford Creek, which is dammed by the Wakering-Foulness Island road. In 1924 the War Office dammed the seaward approach of New England Creek, and in July, 1925, the Yokefleet end, thereby enclosing a strip of water about two miles long and from 50 to 80 yards wide. The road divides this into a north-west portion about 11/2 mile long and a small south-east portion, connected by a narrow culvert. This work deals exclusively with the north-west portion, which has a maximum depth of 12 feet, a surface area of from 172,400 to 203,000 square yards and contains 301,000 to 392,000 cubic yards of water. All these values fluctuate, since the level of the water varies under different climatic conditions, e.g., between January and October, 1934, the level fell 20 inches but recovered 14 inches by March, 1935. The sources of the salts in the water are primarily the water originally enclosed and secondly, the drainage