A BRACKISH WATER COMMUNITY NEAR SOUTHEND. 105 from the land. Salts and water are lost by drainage on to Haven- gore Island and after heavy rain into Havengore. Evaporation is compensated by rainfall both directly into the creek and as drainage from New England Island. The bottom of the creek is covered by a thick growth of Ruppia maritima, individual plants being spaced at about the same density as cultivated corn. The stalks of this plant may reach six feet in length. Beneath the surface are also vast masses of Chaetomorpha linum which are entangled with the Ruppia, so that a dense mat, 3 or 4 feet thick, covers the greater part of the floor. The Ruppia flowers in late June and July, and persists throughout the year; the Chaetomorpha, on the other hand, appears to die out in the winter months. In December, 1934, and January, 1935, there was an outbreak of Prorocentrum micans which was the only phytoplankton col- lected in 1934-5. The fauna was collected by hand, by tow-netting, by trawling and by keeping cultures of mud, water and weed in the depart- mental aquarium : the following animals were found, but this list is not believed to be complete because of the technical difficulties involved in collecting among the Ruppia roots and Chaetomorpha. Protozoa: Condylostoma magnum, Anomia sp. Coelenterata: Coryne loveni, Obelia flabellata, Gonothyrea loveni, Rathkea octopunctata, Diadumene luciae, D. cincta. Nemertinea: Lineus gesserensis. Annelida: Harmothoe spinifera, Nereis diversicolor, Polydora ciliata, Arenicola marina. Crustacea: Eurytemora velox, Acartia bifilosa, Idya furcata, Mesochra lilljeborgi, Cyclopina nor- vegica, Sphaeroma rugicauda, Idothea n. sp., Jaera marina, Ligia oceanica, Gammarus n. sp. ? duebeni, Corophium volutator, Praunus flexuosus, Palaemonetes varians. Insecta : Hydroporus planus, Philhydrus bicolor, Sigara selecta, Aedes detritus, Tabanid, Nemotehes sp.