120 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. history and architectural features of the fabric of which he is the acknow- ledged historian, his illustrated booklet, "The Story of St. Andrew's Church, Hornchurch" (written in collaboration with Mr. C. T. Perfect) being much in demand by the visitors. Mr. Eisdell referred to the priory of St. Bernard in Savoy, which established a cell in Hornchurch in the year 1160, and whose crest, a bull's head with horns, accounts in all probability for the name of the village and for the well-known stone representation on the apex of the E. wall of the chancel. During the French wars of the 14th century, this Priory, with other alien foundations, was seized by the Crown, and at the end of the century the Priory and its church were purchased from the Crown by William of Wykeham for his " New College " at Oxford, which still appoints a "vicar temporal" or "chaplain" to the living. During the detailed inspection of the building which followed, the parish registers (dating from 1576) and the church plate (which includes a cup and cover-paten of date 1563) were exhibited to the party: and much interest was shown in the many brasses and indents which stud the chancel floor, especially the elaborate brass to one of the priors, Sire Boneface de Hart, circa 1330, comprising a foliated cross with two demi-effigies and shields, within a marginal inscription in separate Lombardic letters of which only two yet remain. Leaving the church, after due thanks to Mr. Eisdell for his valued in- struction, the visitors proceeded to Nelmes, an old manorhouse dating from the 16th century, with later additions, where they were welcomed by the owner, Mr. R. B. Flatford, who, in the regretted absence of his wife owing to illness, himself conducted the party on a detailed inspection of the house and grounds, including the conservatory and greenhouses. The great feature of this house is the late 17th century main staircase, which has a heavy balustrade of richly carved open panels between massive panelled newels terminated by ball heads: many other points of interest were noted in this house, including a ''powder closet'' opening out of one of the bedrooms. Tea was taken in the Dining Room, after which the Hon. Secretary expressed the grateful thanks of the party to our host for his enthusiastic guidance and hospitality. Mr. Flatford replied suitably, and at 6.15 o'clock leaves were taken and the party dispersed for home, well content with their afternoon's experience. ANNUAL MEETING (788TH MEETING) AND 789TH ORDINARY MEETING. SATURDAY, 26TH MARCH, 1938. These meetings were held at 3 o'clock on the above date in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr, John Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Pres.L.S., Dr.Sc, etc., in the chair. 35 members attended. The ordinary meeting was held first. Mrs. D. G. Graddon, of "Westholme," 32, Woodland Way, Woodford Green, Essex, and Mr. S. Ernest Linder, B.Sc, of "Leodholt," 9, The Drive, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, were elected members.