THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 121 Dr. Jane showed some drawings of frogspawn, abnormally exhibiting as many as eight ova in a single mass of jelly ; these ova had all succeeded in developing as embryos. Mr. Main showed caddis-worms in their tubes amongst watercress sold for consumption. Mr. Warren exhibited a series of specimens from Lion Point, Clacton, to illustrate the geological sequence there, from London Clay followed by Thames Valley Gravel and Recent beds, proving successive phases of alternating submergence and emergence. Mr. Crouch showed portrait-prints of Humphry Repton, the landscape gardener (1752—1818), his bookplate, and a coloured print of the view seen from his house (Repton Cottage) at Hare Street, Romford, where he spent over forty years of his life and where he died. The Curator showed specimens of Morchella and Peziza, spp., found a few days before growing in an internal yard of the College, a remarkable habitat. He also exhibited 65 Essex views, selected to illustrate places proposed to be visited by the Club during the summer, from the Pictorial Survey collection. Mr. Scourfield showed a living Daphnia obtusa, a descendant of one collected by him on Leyton Flats in September, 1936. The business of the annual meeting followed. The minutes of the last annual meeting were, by consent, taken as read. The Report of the Council was read by the Hon. Secretary : on the motion of Mr. Darling, seconder Mr. Price, the report was received and adopted nem. con. The Hon. Treasurer presented and explained his statement of the Club's accounts for 1937 : he moved formally that the accounts be received and adopted; Mrs. Hatley seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. John Ramsbottom having been duly nominated at the meeting on March 5th, and no counter-nomination having been made, was declared duly re-elected to the office of President for a third year. This announce- ment was warmly applauded by the meeting. Mrs. Hatley, Miss Dofort and Mr. Graddon having been duly nominated, and no further nominations having been made, were declared duly elected as Members of Council. The existing Officers of the Club and the Council Auditor, having been duly nominated, and no counter-nominations having been made, were declared re-elected to their respective offices. On the motion of Mrs. Crouch, seconded by Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Price was unanimously elected as Second Auditor of the Club's accounts. The President delivered his Address, entitled "Early Essex Gardeners"; at its conclusion, Mr. Thompson, on behalf of the meeting, thanked the President for his Address and asked that it might be printed in the Club's journal. There being no further business, the Annual Meeting was declared closed at 5 o'clock.