122 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. Presented to the Annual Meeting, 26th March, 1938. Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Council has to report that the activities of the Club have pro- ceeded satisfactorily during the past year. The meetings at Stratford have been well attended and have produced communications of distinct scientific value. The field-meetings, thanks to Mr. Salmon's admirable organisation, have been most enjoyable. Hospitality was kindly offered our parties by the Rector of Pattiswick and his wife, by Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Christy at Fryerning, by Canon and Mrs. Sowter at Rayleigh and by Mr. R. B. Platford at Hornchurch: our grateful thanks are due to them, and also to the many owners and occupiers of houses visited by us in various parts of the County for their readily-given permission to inspect their property. Two new Parts of the Essex Naturalist have been issued during the year. It is gratifying to be able to record that no fewer than fourteen public libraries in Essex (Barking, Chelmsford, Chingford, Clacton, Col- chester, Dagenham, East Ham, Hornchurch, Ilford, Leyton, Romford, Southend, Walthamstow and West Ham) now receive our Journal regularly. A bequest under the Will of our late member, Mr. Henry Mothersole, which comprised a Bronze Age burial urn from Chelmsford, a bronze founder's hoard of eleven pieces from Little Baddow, an interesting series of perforated stone hammerheads and other stone implements, together with various books and prints, has made an important accession to the Stratford Museum. A noteworthy gift to the Library is Mr. F. J. Brand's manuscript "Essex Index," bound in four volumes. The total of bound volumes in. our Library now reaches 7,000: 75 books have been bound during the year. Your Council could wish that more extensive use of the Library were made by members. Mr. A. W. Dennis has generously added to his earlier gifts by presenting further topographical photographs of Essex, taken by himself: there are now 11,120 mounted items in the Pictorial Survey Collection, of which 1,661 illustrate West Ham. During the last few days a former member of the Club, Mr. Alfred Scott, has generously given us 200 negative photo- graphs of West Ham, of which some 70 are views new to our collection. The Hon. Treasurer's Accounts, which show the Club's finances to be in thoroughly sound condition, will be laid before you. In conclusion, your Council would again stress the importance of members bringing in new recruits, so that the work of the Club may be made still more widely known. Copies of the Booklet describing the activities of the Club may still be obtained of the Hon. Secretary for distribution.