124 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Collybia confluens (Pers.) Fr. = Marasmius hariolorum (D.C.) Quel. ,, fumosa (Pers.) Fr.= Tricholoma immundum (Berk.) Quel. The epithet fumosa would have priority, but the Agaricus fumosus of Fries is probably cinerascens and that of Persoon uncertain. ,, muscigena (Schum.) Fr.—probably a Mycena. ,, planipes (Brig.) Fr.—a doubtful species. ,, psathyroides Cooke.—probably a Mycena. „ stridula Fr. = ? Tricholoma melaleucum. „ tesquorum Fr.—J. Lange in Dansk. Bot. Arkiv. Bd. 2, No. 7, described this species as having warted spores, but he has since agreed (Flora Agaricina Danica) that the name tylicolor Fr. which he had indicated as a synonym, would be less subject to confusion, Bresadola having described and illus- trated tesquorum as a species with smooth spores. „ vertirugis Cke. = Marasmius undatus (Berk.) Quel. Marasmius erythropus (Pers.) Fr. = M. acervatus (Fr.). The epithet erythropus has been used for many different species. „ calopus (Pers.) Fr. ? = Vaillantii (Pers.) Fr. terginus Fr.fuscopurpureus (Pers.) Fr. ,, urens (Bull.) Fr. = peronatus (Bolt.) Fr. Mycena amicta Fr.—Most continental mycologists synonymize this with Mycena Iris Berk., which is a fairly common denizen of coniferous woods. Fries in Syst. Myc. gives both beech and pine woods for the habitat of amicta, so possibly it com- prised more than one species, one of which was subsequently clearly defined by Berkeley under the name of Mycena Iris. Rea maintains that amicta is distinct, though his own descrip- tion is practically the same. Cookes Ill. 238/286 looks dif- ferent. „ galericulata var. calopus = M. inclinata Fr. ,, leucogola Cke. =M. galopus var. nigra. ,, olivaceo-marginata Marsee. = M. avenacea Fr. Pleurotus acerinus Fr.—Cooke's Epping record Ill. 283 (291) is a form of P. dryinus. ,, corticatus Fr. = dryinus (Pers.) Fr. limpidus Fr. ? = ostreatus. ,, pantoleucus Fr.—a doubtful species. „ pubescens Sow. = septicus Fr. ,, spongiosus Fr.—Cookes Ill. 270 (253) from Epping Forest represents P. ostreatus var. columbinus. subpalmatus Fr. =palmatus (Bull.) Fr. The spores of P. palmatus differ in colour according to the method followed in obtaining a spore print. When dropped from a pileus not in contact with paper, they are a pink tinged cream; when the gills touch the paper, the spores are rusty brown. Cantharellus aurantiacus (Wulf.) Fr. = Clitocybe aurantiaca (Wulf.) Studer. „ infundibuliformis (Scop.) Fr. = tubaeformis (Scop.) Fr. ,, albidus Fr.—Cooke's Ill. 1060 (1107) is not this species.