THE FUNGI OF EPPING FOREST. 127 Flammula Veluticeps Cke. & Man.—Rea refers this to Flammula Aldridgei Mass. Cortinarius (Derm.) decumbens.—Cooke's Ill. 765 (816) from Epping Forest suggests C. crystallinus Fr. (Tel.) haematochelis = C. armillatus Fr. „ (Hydro.) camurus.—Though left in the list the identity of Cooke's Ill. 767 (784) from Chingford is doubtful. ,, ,, dilutus (Pers.) Fr.—Cooke's Ill. 832 (810) from Epping Forest is doubtful; possibly rigens. ,, rigens (Pers.) Fr.—Cooke's Ill. 846 (812) from Epping Forest represents C. duracinus Fr. Paxillus Alexandri Fr,—Cooke's Ill. 1193 (1162) from Epping Forest does not apply to this species. Bolbitius Boltonii (Pers.) Fr.=B. vitellinus (Pers.) Fr, It is also doubtful whether either titubans or fragilis are anything but small forms of vitellinus. Stropharia stercoraria Fr. = semiglobata (Batsch.) Fr. Hypholoma appendiculatum Fr.—A much disputed species. Many authors have used the name for what is more generally known as Hypholoma Candolleanum. Fries erroneously described this species as starting with violet gills whereas they are white at first, then violet and finally dark when the spores are fully developed. In Syst. Myc. he cited appendicu- latum as a synonym, but later described it as a separate species growing on stumps. ,, epixanthum Fr.—The records probably refer to young speci- mens of Hypholoma fasciculare before the spores have developed. pseudostorea W. G. Sm. = lachyrmabundum Fr. ,, storea var. caespitosum Cke.= ,, Psilocybe uda.—The species usually recorded in Britain for P. uda is Hypholoma Polytrichi Fr. and appears under this name in the present list. Panaeolus caliginosus (Jungli.) Fr.—Cooke's Ill. 632 (631) from High Beech is probably a small form of P. campanulatus. Coprinus aratus B. & Br.—a doubtful species. deliquescens (Bull.) Fr.—very doubtful. Cooke's Ill. 665 (678) may be a form of atramentarius. ,, fimetarius (Linn.) Fr. = C. cinereus (Schaeff.) Fr. Boletus.—The grouping is that recommended by R. Maire. The genus Boletus would be retained for the group under the section Tubiformis, the type being Boletus luteus, the first to appear in Systema Mycologicum. This deviates from the more generally accepted grouping, where the type species for Boletus is B. edulis. Maire has also substit«ted Krom- bholziella for the genus Krombholzia Karst, the latter name being already occupied for a genus of flowering plants. Boletus aestivalis (Paul) Fr.—a form of edulis. ,, aurantiporus Howse.= tridentinus Bres.