THE FUNGI OF EPPING FOREST. 129 Hypochnus (Fr.) Kant.—Continental mycologists have for some years used Tomentella Pers. for resupinate species with loose hymenium and aculeate spores. If the International Rules of Nomenclature were followed strictly Karsten's (1881) emendation of Hypochnus Fr. should have priority, but as the genus Tomentella has been proposed for conservation, it has been adopted for the present list. Hypochnus fumosus Fr. = Corticium sulphureum Pers. Phlebia vaga Fr. = Corticium sulphureum Pers. Clavaria coralloides (Linn.) Fr. = cristata (Holmsk.) Fr. fastigiata (Linn.) Fr. = corniculata var. pratensis. fragilis (Holmsk.) Fr. = vermicularis Fr. grisea (Pers.) Fr. = cinerea (Bull.) Fr. ,, dissipabilis Britzl. = inaequalis (Mull.) Fr. Hirneola auricula-judae (Linn.) Fr. = Auricularia auricula-Judae (Linn.) Schroet. Fries placed Auricularia among his Thelephorei and Hirneola among the Tremellinei. Once the character of the hymenium was known, there was no justification for preserving Hirneola as a separate genus. Ulocolla foliacea Bref. = Exidia Saccharina Fr. var. foliacea (Bref.) Bres. Scleroderma vulgare (Horneum) Fr. —S. aurantium Pers. Among the works consulted, the following should be mentioned : J. Bresadola: Iconographia Mycologica. Bulletin de la Societe Mycologique de France. M. C. Cooke: Illustrations of British Fungi. Annotations by Quelet, R. Maire and C. Rea with pre- face by A. A. Pearson. E. Fries : Systema Mycologicum. Hymenomycetes Europaei. E. J. Gilbert: Les Bolets. Franz Kallenbach: Die Rohrlinge (Boletaceae). Konrad et Maublanc: Icones Selectae Fungorum. Jakob E. Lange: Studies in the Agarics of Denmark, and Flora Agaricina Danica. Rene Maire: Fungi Catalaunici. Carleton Rea: British Basidiomycetae. Revue de Mycologia. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. Hoopoe at Dunmow. A Hoopoe is reported to have been seen in Clobbs Wood, near Dunmow, on June 12, 1937. J. H. Owen.