132 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. In a few days there appeared within the column, or bell, two processes, resembling the gastric pouches of Hydra-tuba, but twisted (see sketch), and, about the 12th June, the two largest specimens became very flaccid and sank to the bottom of the container, the body ceased to have a "bell-like" look, the rigidity and transparency disappeared and the creatures became limp, opaque and sandy-brown in colour. Thinking from their appearance that this had about finished their existence, I decided to kill and preserve them before decomposition set in, but I reconsidered my decision as regards the largest specimen which, however, looked very sickly, showing no signs of movement. It was now (June 16th) relatively very long, thin and wormlike, with tentacles thin and shrunken. By now this individual had developed a distinct oesophagus and the two digestic processes had grown into two long tubes, each of which had short branches—or stalks—to which groups of a grape-like appearance were attached: there was quite a number of these. By June 18th the flaccidity had passed and the creature had attained the power of withdrawing itself with lightning rapidity, so far as the front half of the body was con- cerned, also the power of moving backwards, somewhat after the manner of a caterpillar, also the power of moving its tentacles, and of feeding, and also of attaching itself quite firmly along its sides. It also began to adhere sand-grains to its body and so to form a tube. The posterior portion of the body from first to last remained bulbous, all constrictions and convolutions being confined to the middle portions of the animal. By July 10th it was developing satisfactorily. Though the creature was still only about 6 mm. long, the tentacles were developed and banded, and it was on them rather than the sides of the body that the animal seemed to rely for attachment: their normal position is drawn together to form a cone or needle- point. When ready for food the usual position is, mouth and oesophagus upright, tentacles expanded, column horizontal, and the bulbous base expanded. The creature survived, in quite a small cell, the great heat of August, 80—86° Fahr. (air temps). On the 12th I found it