MYCETOZOA FOUND DURING FUNGUS FORAY. 161 Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Muell.) Macbr. Abundant oh de- caying birch wood. *Badhamia utricularis (Bull.) Birk. Found in the plasmodium stage only, on Stereum hirsutum and other leathery fungi. *Physarum nutans Pers. On dead wood of birch, etc., abun- dant; the var. robustum Lister, with short white stalks and rather stout capillitium threads was also found, on the inner side of beech bark. P. viride (Bull.) Pers. On dead wood. Fuligo septica (L.) Gmel. A single weathered aethalium, on dead wood. F. cinerea (Schwein.) Morgan var. ecorticata Lister. Found in two places in the white plasmodium stage, looking rather like bread-crumb, among bracken, grass and dead leaves. It matured indoors in a tin box; as usual when the plasmodium of this species and also of F. septica matures in a still moist atmosphere, instead of developing into one large aethalium, it breaks up to form a number of small aethalia, some of them hardly more than curved plasmodiocarps. Leocarpus fragilis (Dicks.). Rost. On dead leaves and grass. *Didymium nigripes Fries. On dead holly leaves. Colloderma oculatum (Lippert) G. Lister. On a mossy stump of birch on liverworts. Stemonitis fusca Roth. On birch wood, etc. S. ferruginea Ehrenb. On dead wood of birch, etc., and in small tufts on Leucobryum glaucum. *Comatricha nigra (Pers.) Schroet. Abundant on sticks and birch wood. *C. typhoides (Bull.) Rost. Abundant on decayed birch log. *C. pulchella (Church. Bab.) Rost. On dead beech leaf. *Enerthenema papillatum (Pers.). Rost. On dead birch. Reticularia Lycoperdon Bull. Weathered, on dead wood. Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fries. On dead birch, etc. *Trichia varia Pers. Abundant on dead wood of birch, etc. T. scabra Rost. On dead wood. T. Botrytis Pers. On birch logs. *Arcyria denudata (L.) Wettst. Abundant on dead wood, birch, etc.