174 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. mantel bearing the arms of the Gardner family has been replaced by a modern oak overmantel of Jacobean character, beautifully executed, which carries the Julian arms and motto "La croix ma couronne." Bourchiers Lodge, which adjoins Guisnes Court, was also visited, by permission of Captain Tatchell: here again oak studding and ceiling beams were in evidence. Mr. Scourfield having voiced the party's thanks to the respective owners of these two houses for the permission granted us to inspect their property, the vehicles conveyed the visitors to Tolleshunt D'Arcy, where tea was taken in the village inn ; followed a short formal meeting of the Club, with Mr. Scourfield in the chair, when Miss H. Cooper, of 67, Fairlop Road, Leytonstone, E.11, was elected a member. D'Arcy Hall was next visited by permission of Mr. C. W. Eve; a moated hall built about the year 1500, approached by a brick bridge of four arches dated 1585 and bearing the D'Arcy arms. The interior boasts a hall magni- ficently lined with oak linen-fold panelling bearing the D'Arcy initials AD and arms, and with carved panels by way of frieze, each panel dif- ferent and representing various subjects, a mermaid, a crane carrying a child in its beak, St. George and the Dragon, and many others, of early Renaissance character, datable about 1590. The ceiling of this fine room has boldly and richly carved oak beams. In the grounds is an oblong-shaped Dove cot, still with its nesting- holes (of which there are about six hundred) complete : this dates from circa 1585. D'Arcy Church, adjoining, was also visited. The building, dedicated to St. Nicholas, presents few architectural features of interest, and dates back to the late 14th century, with additions in the succeeding century. In the N. or D'Arcy Chapel, are various brasses to members of that family, now mounted on wooden frames on the walls of the Chapel: several of these brasses are palimpsests : that to Anthony D'Arcy (1540), for instance, is a reused plate originally commemorating Robert and Maud le Wale, laid down nearly two hundred years before!: the effigy of Anthony is a crude copy of an earlier figure of a knight in plate armour. Mr. Salmon gave an account both of the Church and the Hall, and was warmly thanked for an excellently organised programme. The homeward trek was entered upon at 7 o'clock, after a greatly enjoyed day's experience. The botanical recorders, the Misses Greaves and Prince, recorded a total of 146 wild plants in flower ; these included Spergularia media Presl., Ononis spinosa, Agrimonia Eupatorium, Conium maculatum, Peucedanum sativum, Daucus Carota, Sherardia arvensis, Aster Tripolium, Artemisia maritima, Silybum Marianum, Helminthia echioides, Crepis micaeensis (a great rarity), Limonium vulgare, Statice maritima, Suaeda fruticosa, Trig- lochin maritimum and Hordeum marinum. Thirty-seven species of Birds were identified by Miss Dofort and Mr. Glegg ; these included Corn-Bunting, Sedge-Warbler, Kestrel, Heron, Sheld-Duck, Cormorant, Turtle-Dove, Lapwing, Redshank, Common Tern, Common Gull, Black-headed Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull.