188 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Saponaria officinalis Linn. Alresford, Shenstone. High Easter, Rev. E. Gepp. S. Vaccaria Linn. Near Braintree, E. E. Turner. Woodford Wells, C. Nicholson. Silene noctiflora Linn. Malting refuse, Hythe Quay, Colchester. Rivenhall, E. E. Turner. Hale End, C. Nicholson. S. dichotoma Ehrh. (Europe). Felsted, Felsted N.H.S. Grays, Melville and Smith. Spergularia Bocconei (Soleir) Steud. Hythe Quay, Colchester, R. Melville and G. C. Brown. Polycarpon tetraphyllum Linn. Greenhouse, Layer Marney, Miss M. S. Campbell. PORTULACACEAE. Portulaca grandiflora Hook. (Europe). Dagenham, R.Melville. Claytonia perfoliata Donn. (N. America). Boxted, Dedham, etc. Great Hallingbury, Miss E. C. Foster. Havering, Ilford, Rev. A. C. Morris. MALVACEAE. Althaea rosea Linn. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Malva verticillata Linn. (Europe). Chigwell, C. Nicholson. M. ambigua Guss. (S. Europe). Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Abutilon Theophrasti Med. (Europe). Dagenham, J. P. M. Brenan. GERANIACEAE. Geranium phaeum Linn. (Europe). Barrington Park, Hatfield Broad Oak, Canon Galpin. G. sibiricum Linn. (N. America). Dagenham, Melville and Smith. G. ruthenicum Uechtr. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Tropaeolum majus Linn. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. T. peregrinum Linn. (New Granada). Dagenham, Melville and Smith. VITACEAE. Vitis hederacea Linn. (N. America). Dagenham, Melville and Smith.