ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF ESSEX PLANTS. 189 V. Thunbergii (S. & Z.). Druce. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. LEGUMINOSAE. Lupinus nootkatensis Donn. (N. America). Gosfield, E. E. Turner. Trigonella humosa Linn. (Egypt). Dagenham, J. P. M. Brenan, N. Y. Sandwith and H. K. A. Shaw. M. varia Martyn. var. procumbens Fr. Colchester, G. C. Druce. Melilotus alba Desv. Kelvedon, E. E. Turner. Rainham, Rev. P. C. Cooke. Woodford Green, Chingford, C. Nicholson. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Lotus tenuis Waldst & Kit. var. pedunculatus Cavan. Little Dunmow. Rev. E. Gepp. L. tenuis Waldst & Kit. var. longicaulis (Matr. Donos), Druce. Dagenham, Druce and Melville. Galega officinalis Linn. (Europe). Dagenham, Grays, Melville and Smith. Colutea arborescens Linn. (Asia). Dagenham, Barking, R. Melville. Near Rainham, J. E. Lousley and R. Melville. Cicer arietinum Linn. (S. Europe). Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Vicia villosa Roth. (Europe). Grays, C. Nicholson. V. lutea, Linn. var. hirta Balb. Electric power Station, Col- chester. V. narbonensis Linn. Navestock, C. Nicholson. V. pannonica Crantz. Woodford, C. Nicholson. V. pannonica Crantz, var. stricta M. Bieb. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. V. peregrina Linn. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Ervum orientale Boiss. Dagenham. J. P. M. Brenan and N. Y. Sandwith. Lathyrus latifolius Linn. Boreham Green, Felsted, Felsted N.H.S. L. tuberosus Linn. White Roding, Canon Galpin. L. Aphaca Linn. High Easter, Felsted N.H.S. Little Braxted, Pattiswick, E. E. Turner. L. odoratus Linn. (S. Europe). Dagenham, Melville and Smith.