196 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. geries—salted with one or two genuine implements: the latter only were purchased. As to the others, a point-blank question, "Are you sure you didn't make them?" sufficed to convince the would-be seller that no sale was likely. A few weeks after this the writer learned that some pre- historic implements were exposed for sale in an antique shop at Leyton: on inspection, these were recognised as the identical collection which had been offered recently to the Museum. Enquiry elicited that they had been bought for about £7 "from "a labouring man with one eye." These same forgeries have since, I learn, been acquired by a trustful member of the Geologists' Association: they were exhibited by him at the Annual Conversazione of the Association in 1927, when they attracted much adverse criticism. Another large consignment of Glover's handiwork was sold by him to a dealer at East Ham: this also, was offered for sale to the Stratford Museum by the dealer, but again no transaction was effected. Glover confessed, under cross-examination, that he used the alias Knight when selling his wares to dealers, and also that, twenty years before, he had used the name of Evans—perhaps out of compliment to Sir John Evans! His reason for so disguising his identity was in case of awkward enquiries being made, but he protested that only to dealers did he employ this subterfuge. The many forged implements sold to the East Ham dealer by "Knight," which were alleged to have been found at Becon- tree, were Glover's make of long before, as he confessed to me. A few genuine implements have, however, passed through Glover's hands from the Becontree neighbourhood. It is amusing to relate that a workman in the St. Swithin's pit at Barkingside tried to palm off on Glover for half-a-crown a forgery which he had made himself—a case of "diamond cut "diamond!" Glover confessed that he had made thousands of forged implements in his time, and that he studied illustrations to ensure the shapes being correct. He claimed that he made no fakes during the last few years—"not to say made any," to use