A FORGOTTEN ESSEX GARDENER-BOTANIST. 199 Esq." He was succeeded in 1778 by "John Ranby, Esq.," who remained until Gilbert Slater became the occupier in 1786. After Gilbert Slater's death the following advertisement appeared in The Morning Chronicle of 16th July, 1794. "Sales by Auction. "Knotts Green, Low Layton, near Epping Forest, By Messrs. "Skinner & Dyke this day at 12 o'clock at Garraway's Coffee- "house, by order of the Executors. "An Elegant and very Commodius Villa suited with every "description of Offices, Coach-Houses and Stabling, Beautiful "Pleasure Grounds, Flower and Kitchen Gardens, laid out in "the first stile of taste, planted with a variety of valuable "Foreign Shrubs, and the Walls richly cloathed with a ju- "dicious selection of the choicest and most prolific Fruit Trees, "Capital Hot House, Pinery, Green House, and Ice House, a "Fish Pond well stored, a compact Farm Yard, and the ad- "joining inclosures of Rich Meadow Land, containing Twenty "Four Acres with a Dutch Barn, late the property and residence "of Gilbert Slater, Esq. deceased. "The House is an excellent well erected modern structure, "containing suites of elegant Apartments, tastefully ornamented; "the various Offices, convenient and properly connected, the "Gardens in perfect order, and the Land in high condition. The "Term 19 years from Midsummer 1794 at a net Rent of £200 "per ann. "Possession may be had of the Premises in one month from "the day of Sale, and the Purchaser may be accommodated "with about 20 Acres more of rich Meadow Land. "To be viewed till the Sale by Tickets only, which, with "printed particulars, may be had of Messrs. Dunn and Grey, "Solicitors, No. 2 Bush Lane, Cannon-street; of Messrs. Skinner "& Dyke, Aldersgate-street; and at the place of sale." Fortunately, the Guildhall Library, London, has a printed sheet of the before mentioned particulars, the reference being "LP. 28.42." This gives full details of the rooms on the different floors. On the "Ground Story" is a Drawing Room fitted up with a B