A FORGOTTEN ESSEX GARDENER-BOTANIST. 201 The following are the more imporant plants introduced by Gilbert Slater:— Camellia Japonica, var. flore albo pleno. "Double white Camellia. This fine variety of the Camellia was first imported from China about 1793 by Captain Connor of the Carnatic East-indiaman for the gardens of the late J. Slater, Esq., a gentleman of most indefatigable spirit for the introduc- tion of new plants to this kingdom ; indeed, it is to him we owe most of the plants received from China within these few years, he having procured a catalogue to be printed of all the described Chinese plants in that language, with the descriptions translated, and by various hands transmitted it to that country." (Botanists' Repository, 1798, vol 2, plate 25.) Camellia Japonica, var. flore pleno variegato. "Double striped Camellia. This variety is of the same date (1793) in our gardens as the double white, and was introduced through the same medium (J. Slater). As yet this plant is found in but few collections and is sold at a very high price. Our figure was made from a drawing taken partly from a plant which flowered in August last year, in the collection of J. Hibbert, Esq." (Botanical Repository, 1800, plate 91.) Clerodendron fragrans, Vent. "Introduced about 1790 by Gilbert Slater, Esq., a native of Japan and China." (W. T. Aiton's Hortus Kewensis, 2nd ed., 1812, vol. iv., p. 63.) Clerodendron squamatum. "Introduced from China to this country many years ago by the late Mr. Slater of Walthamstow, whom we have often had occasion to mention." (Botanical Cabinet, 1823, vol. 8, plate 796.) Cymbidium sinense. "A native of China, whence it was received about 1793 by the late Gilbert Slater, Esq. This gentleman was celebrated for his love of botany; he introduced a number of magnificent plants from China which he cultivated in a very superior style at Walthamstow." (Botanical Cabinet, 1817, vol. 1, plate 37.)