222 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. mycetes and Mr. Thompson with his little company of lichen-seekers made their way to the higher ground as best for their quest. At shortly before 4 o'clock all these groups had rejoined at the Roser- ville Retreat at High Beach for tea. After tea, Mr. Scourfield, as chairman, invited the several conductors to give an account of the results of their researches. Mr. Sherrin reported a yield of 40 mosses, with, in addition, about a dozen hepatics, which he considered to be a good result. He mentioned that Barbula convoluta var. Sardoa had been noticed in a new station : in view of the great scarcity of brick walls or stonework in the Forest this was gratifying. Mr. Ross was less pleased with his record of myxo's, only fourteen forms having been found. He specially mentioned the occurrence of Lampro- derma scintillans. The Chairman reported on the algae met with, specially mentioning a single specimen of Volvox and referring to Dr. (Miss) Pocock's recent exhaustive article in the Journ. Quekett Club on the genus, and its new record of V. tertius Meyer from Epping Forest, this form being charac- terised by the absence of any protoplasmic connecting-threads between the separate protoplasts. Mr. Scourfield exhibited a sample of pondwater collected that day which was coloured bright-green by a free swimming Chlamydomonas, and another brown-discoloured sample due to the presence of a Peridinium. Mr. Thompson announced a yield of 20 forms of lichens during the Foray, including, as most noteworthy, Chaenotheca chrysocephala, a form which grows on oak-trunks, the so-called "Reindeer Moss," Cladina sylvatica, the equally misnamed "Iceland Moss," Cetraria aculeata, form hispida, Cetraria glauca and Physcia orbicularis var. virella. He added seme general remarks on the distribution of lichens. Mr. F. G. Gould, on the invitation of the Chairman, reported on various agarics collected during the day, which included a magnificent specimen of the Blewitt, Tricholoma nudum, Hygrophorus eburneus, Pleurotus ostreatus, and other showy forms. He considered that, owing to the mildness of the season, the agarics were probably more frequent than they had been a month earlier. Thanks to the conductors concluded the meeting and the party dis- persed . ORDINARY MEETING (798th MEETING) SATURDAY, 26TH NOVEMBER, 1938. This Meeting was held at 3 o'clock on the above date in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with Dr. J. Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Pres. L.S., Dr.Sc, etc., Presi- dent, in the chair. 47 persons attended. Miss A. M. Willings, of 27, Ismailia Road, Forest Gate, E.7 ; Mr. W. B. Crow, Ph.D., D.Sc., of the S.W. Essex Technical College, Walthamstow, E.17 ; and Mr. H. W. Forster, of 57, Shrewsbury Road, Forest Gate, E.7, were elected Members of the Club.