THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 225 ORDINARY MEETING (800th MEETING). SATURDAY, 28TH JANUARY, 1939. This meeting was held at 3 o'clock on the above date in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with Dr. J. Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Pres. L.S., Dr.Sc, in the chair. Forty-four attended. Mr. J. H. G. Peterken, of 73, Forest Drive East, Leytonstone, E.11, and Mr. Henry P. Underwood (Junior Member), of 18, Grange Park Road, Leyton, E.10, were elected members of the Club. Mr. Scourfield exhibited a living Hydra vulgaris from Wanstead Park and described its structure by means of a lantern slide and microscopic preparation. Mr. Salmon made an appeal for the formation of village museums, and suggested methods of organisation and arrangement. Thanks were passed to Mr. Salmon for his communication. On behalf of Mr. Ross, who was absent owing to indisposition, the Hon. Secretary read an account of a newly-recorded myxomycete, Perichaena pedata G. Lister, found by him on Warren Hill in Epping Forest on 3rd December last: specimens of the new form, and of other myxomycetes, were on exhibition. The Curator showed 26 photographs of Wanstead from the Pictorial Survey collection. The President gave an account of a much-named Lepiota, L. brunneo- incarnata, which was first found in this country in November, 1920, by an old member of the club, Mr. C. H. Steet, at Chingford : the original specimen, now in the national collection, was shown to the meeting. The President then called upon Mrs. A. R. Hatley, who gave an exhaustive account of the history of "The Walnuts," an old house in Church Lane, Walthamstow, which was demolished last year. The lecturer illustrated her description by a large number of lantern views, photographs and drawings and, at the close, was complimented on the diligence and enthusiasm shown in gathering so much information concerning the building. ORDINARY MEETING (801st MEETING). SATURDAY, 25TH FEBRUARY, 1939. This meeting was held, as usual, in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the West Ham Municipal College, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above date, with the President, Dr. J. Ramsbottom, O.B.E., Pres. L.S., Dr.Sc, in the chair. Thirty-six attended. Miss Emily M. Parsons, of 12, Meadway, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, was elected a member. In anticipation of the Annual Meeting the following nominations were made:— The President announced that the Council nominated Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S., as his successor in the office of President.