THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 227 for the county. Miss Lister also showed a coloured drawing to illustrate the structure of this myxomycete, which has a wide distribution abroad and which frequently occurs on dead stems of herbaceous plants. Mr. Graddon presented the specimen to the Museum collection after the meeting. Mr. Graddon showed three discomycetous fungi, each of them a new record for Essex, viz., Mollisia benesuada, Polydesmia pruinosa and Pezicula dryina, found by him in Knighton Wood, Epping Forest; he also exhibited lantern photographs showing the microscopic characters of the asci and their spores. Mr. Scourfield exhibited, under a microscope, specimens of a species of Glenodinium, a Dinoflagellate alga which often occurs in ponds 111 such profusion as to discolour the water golden-brown. Mr. Main showed a living larva of the Essex Emerald moth feeding; upon a young shoot of Sea Wormwood, a notable example of protective resemblance. The Curator showed 68 views of places (Hainault Forest, Ashdon, Bartlow Hills, Faulkbourne and South Weald) proposed to be visited during the spring and summer. The business of the Annual Meeting followed. The minutes of the last annual meeting were, by consent, taken as. read. The Council's report for the past year was read by the Hon. Secretary : on the motion of Mr. Price, seconded by Mrs. Crouch, the report was adopted without dissentient. The Hon. Treasurer gave an outline of the Club's accounts and laid a detailed statement upon the table; he moved formally that his accounts be received and adopted. Mr. Ross seconded. Carried nem. con. The President announced that Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S., having been duly nominated at the meeting on the 25th February, and no counter-nomination having been made, stood elected as President cf the Club for the ensuing year. The following members of the Council retired in rotation:— Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, Mr. Hugh Main and Mr. James Keeves; there was also a vacancy owing to the death of Mr. W. H. Daun. At the meeting on February 25th the following nominations were made to fill the vacant seats:— Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones was nominated by Mr. Scourfield, Mr. Crouch seconding. Mr. Hugh Main was nominated by Dr. Coles, Mr. Price seconding. Mr. James Keeves was nominated by Mr. Salmon, Mrs. Thompson seconding. Dr. Reginald Curnock was nominated by Mr. Glegg, Mr. Harley seconding. There having been no further nominations, the President declared the foregoing members to te duly elected members of the Council.