238 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. from nearly spherical to elongated ovoid, usually rather thick- Walled, structureless, more or less translucent and without adhering particles, in general reminding one very strongly of certain species of Trachclomonas. Mouth with slightly thickened lips, sometimes blocked with a plug of secreted material. Proto- plasm usually containing many small granules and globules, but no recognisable organic food particles, its circulatory movements very slow. Nucleus large, with a broad clear outer zone, often visible without the aid of reagents. Contractile vesicles one or two, but often absent. Pseudopodia lobose, hyaline. It is a remarkably inactive organism, at least under the conditions of examination obtaining in the present case. Of the many living specimens seen, only three exhibited actively extended pseudo- podia. Very frequently, however, there was a mass of debris attached to the mouth, held together apparently by some exuded gelatinous (? protoplasmic) material. As usual with the testaceous Rhizopods, the majority of the tests seen were either empty or contained only extraneous matter. Nebela. The commonest species was N. collaris, with N. lageniformis a good way behind. N. militaris was seen in three samples and a small form, N. parvula (?) twice. Quadrula. Q. irregularis, seen only in one sample. Heleopera. The usual species was H. sylvatica, but H. sphagni and H. Petricola were also seen on one or two occasions. Cochliopodium. C. bilimbosum was recorded once and C. actino- phorum once. On two occasions a form not properly identified, but probably C. vestitum, was seen. Euglypha. A good many species of this genus were found, the commonest being E. ciliata, E. denticulata and a small form, E. laevis(?). E. strigosa was not unusual, but E. bryophila and E. filifera (?) only occurred once or twice. Assulina. The only species was A. muscorum, but it was found in many samples. Sphenoderia. The characteristic species was S. dentata, seen in numerous samples. S. lenta and S. fissirostris were only recorded once. Trinema. The three common species of this genus were nearly always present, T. enchelys and T. lineare in nearly every sample and T. complanatum not far behind. ■