MICROSCOPIC LIFE OF THE " LEAF-CARPET." 239 Corythion. C. dubium occurred in the great majority of samples and C. pulchellum in eight. Lecythium. L. hyalinum, seen only in one sample. Capsellina. C. tumida, also seen only in one sample. Pseudodifflugia. A small form, but probably P. fulva, was recorded on three occasions. HELIOZOA. Members of this group were very infrequent in the samples of leaf-carpet examined. The form occurring the greatest number of times, only four altogether, was very minute (7-12µ) and not sufficiently well characterised for determination of its exact systematic position. It appeared to have neither special covering nor radiating spines and might therefore be regarded perhaps as a very small species of Actinophrys. Another species seen on two occasions was almost certainly Acanthocystis myriospina. Two other forms each occurred only once, namely, undetermined small species of Raphidiophrys and Pompholyxophrys. FLAGELLATA. Colourless Flagellates occurred in all the samples of leaf- carpet examined. The commonest forms were species, not as a rule definitely identified, of Bodo and Cercobodo, while species of Cercomonas, Oicomonas, and Monas were seen in a number of cases. Rhynchomonas nasuta was found in three samples and Bicoeca lacustris (?) in two. Several other small Flagellates which could not be definitely placed generically were also seen from time to time. The group of the Eugleninae, all colourless forms, was repre- sented by species of Astasia, Menoidium, Petalomonas, Hetero- nema (H. acus). Notosolenus and Entosiphon (? E. sulcatum, but only 14µ). These Eugleninoides were, however, seen only on a few occasions, the most frequent (four times) being the species of Menoidium. The one species of Petalomonas seen (figs. 8 and 9) appeared to come nearest to P. sexlobata, Klebs, but instead of having posteriorly six short blunt inwardly curving processes it had four rather long pointed diverging straight processes. Two opposite processes were rather farther apart than the other pair owing to