247 HABITS OF THE LITTLE OWL IN ESSEX. By GEOFFREY DENT. THE exhaustive enquiry that was made into the feeding- habits of the Little Owl (Athene noctua mira) by Miss Hibbert-Ware and others resulted in the conclusion that this bird was harmless and indeed mainly beneficial. From my own observations in the district around Parndon I am unable to endorse that conclusion. I have personally witnessed the taking of birds by Little Owls on many occasions in broad daylight: the species I have seen captured have been Blackbirds, Thrushes, Missel Thrushes, Chaffinch, Yellowhammer, young domestic chicks and, two years ago, two fully feathered young Stock Doves in their nesting- hole. Only this year a nest of fully fledged. Thrushes were all killed. in my garden by a Little Owl : the bird was observed tearing off their heads and carrying off their bodies. Although stoned at close quarters and driven off, the Little Owl returned almost immediately and carried off the last fledgling. I believe the findings of the official enquiry were based largely on the examination of pellets. Now, unlike the larger owls, the Little Owl cannot swallow birds and mice whole. It tears them up and eats only the soft parts: consequently, feathers, fur and bones are not, as a rule, to be found in the pellets. I have generally found that the victims are not taken to the nesting-hole, but to a larder tree near by. where no doubt they are dismembered and suitable portions brought to the young. That a vast number of insects is taken by this species I am well aware, but I know that the toll of birds is also very heavy. We can doubtless spare some blackbirds and thrushes, but I am convinced that a far worse crime must be laid at the door of this rather attractive little foreign invader. It is significant that the decrease which has been noticed in the numbers of the Barn Owl dates from the arrival in this country of the Little Owl and is inversely proportional to the increase of the latter. In those few parts of England and Scotland where the Little Owl has not penetrated, or until recently had B