ADDITIONAL RECORDS OF ESSEX PLANTS. 253 Fagopyrum esculentum Linn. Colchester, Earls Colne. Woodford, Brentwood, C. Nicholson. Dagenham, Grays, Melville and Smith. F. tataricum (Linn.) Gaertn. (Europe.). Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Rumex salicifolius Weinm. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. R. Patientia Linn. Dagenham, G. C, Druce, R. Melville, J. E. Cooper. R. obovatus Danser. Dagenham, R. Melville. EUPHORBIACEAE. Euphorbia dulcis Linn. West Berghot, J. C. Shenstone. E. virgata Waldst. and Kit. Danbury, Mrs. Macartney- Felgate. E. Esula Linn. Witham, Broomfield, Danbury, E. E. Turner. Buckhurst Hill, W. Howard. Hale End, Grange Hill, C. Nicholson. Ricinus communis Linn. (Tropics). Grays, Dagenham, Mel- ville and Smith. URTICACEAE. Cannabis sativa Linn. Lambourne, C. Nicholson. AMENTACEAE Carpinus Betulus Linn. var. provincialis Gren. and Godr. Pebmarsh, G. C. Druce. SALICACEAE. The following Willows have all been authenticated by specialists:— Salix alba x pentandra =S. Ehrhartiana Sm., Little Chesterford, J. E. Lousley and A. W. Graveson. 5. triandra Linn. Alphamstone (Testibus, E. F. Linton and E. S. Marshall). 5. purpurea Linn. Earls Colne, Messing. (Testibus, E. F. Linton and E. S. Marshall). 5. viminalis Linn. Messing (Testibus, E. F. Linton and E. S. Marshall). 5. caprea x viminalis =5. mollissima Sm. Berechurch Park (Teste, J. Frazer). S. aurita x cinerea. Tiptree Heath (Testibus, A. W. Pearsall and D. Lumb).