254 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. IRIDACEAE. Iris foetidissima Linn. Black Notley, Herb. du Bois. Tritoma crocosmiflora Nicholson. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. AMARYLLIDACEAE. Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus Linn, Little Bentley. Hatfield Broad Oak, Canon Galpin. Woodham Mortimer, J. French. N. biflorus Curt. Hatfield Forest, Takeley, near Stebbing, Felsted N.H.S. LILIACEAE. Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav. (Asia). Dagenham, R. Melville (Teste, Dr. Thellung.) Muscari racemosum Lam. and D.C. Felsted, High Easter, Rev. E, Gepp. Ornithogalum nutans Linn. Hatfield Broad Oak, Canon Galpin. Lilium Martagon Linn. The Priory, Hatfield Broad Oak, Canon Galpin. Tulipa sylvestris Linn. The Priory, Hatfield Broad Oak, Canon Galpin. GRAMINACEAE. Panicum miliaceum Linn. Dagenham, J. E. Cooper. P. Crus-galli Linn. (Europe). Grays, C. Nicholson. var. longiaristatum Lej. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. var. longisetum Doell. Dagenham, Melville and Smith. Spartina Townsendii Groves. Brightlingsea Creek, Alresford Creek, Mersea Island. Heybridge, E. C. Wallace, Sorgham vulgare Pers. var. cernucum Host. (Tropics). Dagen- ham, R. Melville and J. P. M. Brenan. Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. Dagenham, R. Melville. Agrostis verticillata Vill. Colchester, G. C. Druce. Frinton, Walton-on-Naze, H. K. A. Shaw. Gastridium ventricosum Gouan. Grays, Melville and Smith. Cynosurus echinatus Linn. Berechurch. Dagenham, Grays, Melville and Smith. Koeleria phleoides Pers. (Europe). Grays, Melville and Smith.