282 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Essex, Mr. W. E. Glegg states "the Cormorant is of almost annual "occurrence at the Lea Valley Reservoirs, although these visits do not "include more than one or two birds, which, at times, make a stay of "some months. It has been seen here as early as 6th August, and as "late as April." Mr. W. A. Wright, who also saw these birds, has furnished me with the following abstract from his notes on this species at the King George Reservoir: October 15th, 1932, two; January 23rd, 1937, one; February 6th, 1937, one; February 13th, 1937, one; December 18th, 1937, one; January 1st, 1938, one; October 15th, 1938, three. From my own notes I have a record of seeing a flight of five over Whitehall Plain, Chingford, on April 10th, 1938. It would seem that so large a number is an unusual occurrence in the Lea Valley. B. T. Ward. Common Buzzards at Chingford.—On September 23rd, 1939, I observed two Common Buzzards, Buteo b. buteo (L.), soaring over Hawk Wood, Chingford. For four or five years past I have notes of this species appearing occasionally at Chingford and with one exception they all relate to birds seen in the same limited area, i.e., along the steep escarpment on the west of the Epping Forest Ridge, where presumably the birds find currents of uprising air upon which they can soar. B. T. Ward. (End of Vol. XXVI.)