DISCOMYCETES RECORDED IN ESSEX. 19 Clacton Channel. Essex Nat., vol. xxi, 1924, p. 32 ; vol. xxiv, p. 1. K. P. Oakley and M. Leakey, Proc. Prehist. Soc, 1937, p. 217. Crag Sea Floor. Geol. Mag., vol. lxi, 1924, p. 309. Natural Flaking. Man, 1905, 103. Journ. R. Anthrop. Inst., vol. xl, 1914, p. 412. Proc. Geol. Assoc, vol. xxxiv, 1923, p. 153. The "Cromerian" Flints. J.R.Moir. Journ. R. Anthrop. Inst., vol. li, 1921, p. 385. Proc Prehist. Soc, vol. v, 1928, p. 273. DISCOMYCETES RECORDED IN ESSEX. By W. D. GRADDON, B.Sc. [Read 27th January, 1940.] NO list of the species of discomycetes recorded as occurring in our County has appeared since 1888, when M. C. Cooke published in this Journal4 a list of 56 species. Since that time records have accumulated all too slowly, and the list which is here presented contains only 135 names—a poor representation of the total of about one thousand species known for the whole country. Very many of the species have been only once recorded, and many of these single records date back to early days, even to the times of John Ray and Edward Forster. There is therefore much scope for diligent searchers after these attractive fungi to re-establish the occurrence of many of the species listed and to provide additional records which will help to bring our knowledge of this group up to the high level of that of the Basidiomycetes and Myxomycetes of Essex. The nomenclature and sequence are those of the system of classification of Emil Boudier5. Valuable assistance for correlation of the names with those in Massee's6 book is available in Dr. Ramsbottom's list of British species7. OPERCULEAE. MORCHELLA ESCULENTA Pers. Walthamstow. HELVELLA CRISPA (Scop.). Fr. Epping Forest. 4 Essex Naturalist, II, 189-192 (1888). 5 (a) Bull. Soc. Mycol. France, I, 91 (1885). (b) Histoire et Classification des Discomycetes D'Europe (1907). 6 British Fungus Flora, Vol. iv. 7 British Mycological Society's Trans., IV, 343-381 (1913).