THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 33 Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. var. aurantiaca Pers. On fir and other logs. Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch). Macbr. On fir and other logs. Reticularia Lycoperdon Bull. On a log. Trichia scabra Rost. On sodden wood of the Wild Service (Pyrus torminalis), which later produced masses of T. varia. T. contorta (Ditm.). Rost. On grey poplar logs near the Warren. Arcyria cinerea (Bull.). Pers. A few weathered sporangia on holly leaves. A. nutans (Bull.). Grev. On a log and on a stick. The absence of the genus Perichaena and the scarcity of species of Stemonitis should be mentioned. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. SPECIAL RE-UNION MEETING (809th MEETING). SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2ND, 1939. This Meeting—the first held since the outbreak of the War—was intended to bring together, so far as possible, our members, many of whom had been compulsorily or voluntarily evacuated to distant places. The intention was fulfilled, 35 members attended, a gratifying number in the circumstances. The meeting-place was the Small Lecture Hall of the Congregational Church at Woodford Green, a spot selected as being fairly convenient for members residing at Ilford, Chingford, Loughton, etc. Members assembled at 2 o'clock, the chair being taken by the President, Mr. S. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S., who welcomed the re-appearance of members after so long an interval of enforced dispersal. The election to membership of the Club of Mrs. Irene Kemsley, of Holly Bank, Witham, Essex, was ratified. The rest of the programme consisted of exhibits by members. The President exhibited models of worked pieces of wood found by himself in peat-beds on the Essex coast, at Lion Point and Dovercourt, the originals of which he had presented to the British Museum : they dated from the "Beaker stage" of the earliest Bronze Age. Mr. Graddon exhibited various discomycetes, including one form, found in Hatfield Forest, Essex, which had not heretofore been recorded from this country; also several micro-photographs of their spores. Mr. Linder exhibited, and presented to the Stratford Museum, speci- mens of crude red pottery rims and bases from a "red hill" site excavated by him at May Avenue, Canvey Island ; also the broken half of a silver