SPENCER TURNER AND HIS NURSERY. 47 Also the Body of Mrs. Sarah Turner, Wife of the aforesaid Mr. Spencer Turner, who departed this life July the 12th 1757 Aged 27 Years. Also the Body of Richard Turner Son of the aforesaid Spencer & Sarah Turner who departed this life January the 25th 1750 Aged Eleven Months and Seven Days. I am not certain of the ages of the parents as the stone is much worn, and the parish registers do not give them. In an attempt to check the point I searched some twenty contemporary London newspapers, hoping to find a reference to Turner's demise, but without success. But I came across the following advertisement in the Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser of 5th February, 1776: "Mr. Spencer Turner, at Holloway Down, near Stratford, Essex, being deceased, his kinsman, William Perkins, takes this method to inform his friends and the public in general that he will continue the said business, and begs their future favours, which shall be carefully attended to." In his Will, he describes himself as "Spencer Turner of "Holloway Down, near Stratford, co. Essex, Nurseryman and "Gardener." He offers his nursery to his servant William Perkins at a valuation, with seeds, stock and utensils in trade, leases of several nurseries and the shop and buildings thereon "as well those I hold of the parish of Walthamstow as those "I hold of John How, as undertenant of John Blake esq., or any "others I may hold at my decease." The Will is mainly taken up in connection with the transfer of his business: he directs that should his servant William Perkins purchase the business the sum is to be paid at £300 per annum, plus interest at 4%. He mentions his new dwelling- house at Holloway Down and leaves legacies to his father, Richard Turner, his brother Richard and his daughter, Mary Turner, also sums of money to servants and rings to various