82 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Abbreviations. A. Augury. E. Essex. M. Medicine. O. Oath. P. Protection. Pro. Proverb. R. Religion. T. Talisman. V. Veneration. W. Weather. NOTE.—Golden Eagle is not fully admitted to Essex list. REFERENCES. 1885. Provincial Names and Folk Lore of British Birds. Rev. C. SWAINSON. 1890. The Birds of Essex. Miller Christy. 1913. A Dictionary of English and Folk-Names of British Birds. H. K. Swann. (I have to thank Mr. S. AUSTIN for the use of his copy of this work.) 1923. Folklore of the Lady Hin or Skylark in Shetland. William E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xvii., p. 115. N.D.—Bird Facts and Fallacies. L. R. W. Loyd. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. VISIT TO THE CHIGNALLS AND GREAT WALTHAM (814th MEETING). SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH, 1940. This, the first field meeting held by the Club sines the beginning of the war, was attended by thirty-three members and proved an outstanding success. Undeterred by any fear of possible, if not probable, enemy air raids, the party travelled by rail or road to the county town, which was reached at about n o'clock. A privately chartered bus conveyed the party to the "Hare and Hounds" inn on the road to Roxwell, whence a cross-country ramble by way of Pengymill, which involved the uncomfortable crossing of a waterlogged meadow bordering the river Can, brought us to the little church of Chignall St. James, standing isolated in the fields. Nineteenth century restoration, including much rebuilding, has left this church of little interest, but the adaptation of the rood-stair to serve as an approach to the pulpit is noteworthy. In the yard of this lonely church, set in the fields of the open countryside, is the grave of Miller Christy, in his lifetime one of the best known of Essex men, whose tomb bears the inscription :— Robert Miller Christy of Broom Wood Lodge in this parish Born May 23, 1861 Died Jan. 28, 1928. Naturalist. Historian. Antiquary. A devoted lover of this County of Essex.